Unable to make new posts i Indiblogger

Rajeev Moothedath
Rajeev Moothedath
from Bangalore
4 years ago


I wonder whether others are facing this problem . When I try to add new posts, this message pops up" Sorry, it looks like we're unable to contact your blog. Is it up and running?"

My blog is working perfectly and yet this problem. 

would appreciate help and advice in this connection 


Rajeev Moothedath

Replies 1 to 15 of 15 Ascending
rupam sarma
rupam sarma
from Guwahati
4 years ago

Finally I'm able to submit my blog posts :)


Thank you Rajeev ji , Sreedhar ji  :)

Keep Blogging.

Rajeev Moothedath
Rajeev Moothedath
from Bangalore
4 years ago

Glad to hear that Sreedharji.

Rajeev and Rupam,

Glad to inform you that I could post on Indiblogger my blog posts today.. Kindly check yours too.. Thank you Indiblogger for the necessary help extended in setting things right.


Sreedhar Bhattaram

Rajeev Moothedath
Rajeev Moothedath
from Bangalore
4 years ago

I received a message from Indiblogger to check whether the problem has gone. I did so and am now able to make new posts. I thank the Indiblogger team. Hope everyone who were facing similar problems have their issues addressed. Regards

Rajeev Moothedath
from Bangalore
4 years ago

The old posts, however of those who were affected, cannot be read by clicking link from Indiblogger (as it ends with .in)

Rajeev Moothedath
Rajeev Moothedath
from Bangalore
4 years ago

Hi Everyone 

I think this problem may not be solved as the administors of Indiblogger have already taken decision to slowly withdraw and only those functions that do not require human intervention would be allowed to continue. I am saying this based on this post  Break through wherein it is stated " 

Break on through

Some of you may have noticed – things have been quiet at IndiBlogger for a while! This is due to 2 reasons:

  1. The operational challenges that come with running a 12 year old product. Although the principles we setup IndiBlogger on so many years ago still stand good today, the industry’s requirements have changed.
  2. A decision we made a long time ago has left us without the means to overcome the above-mentioned operational challenges. We’ve been trying to make it work over the last few years, but in the end, IndiBlogger has always been about freedom – and we’ve decided that there’s no way we can do justice to this community with one hand tied behind our backs."  More details can be had from reading the original post. 

I think in view of the decision taken by them , they may not be viewing the requests send by us through EMail. As Sreedharj Bhattaramji has already tried changing / reregisteringas .com instead of .in and it has not workked, nothing much can be done from our end. 

We can however visit Indiblogger and read the posts of others not affected and comment on them.

Hi Rajeev and Rupam,

The problem continues in my case too.  Our blogs now I think have got to be registered as '.com' posts on Indiblogger.  Kindly check on your Indiblogger public page.  I am not able to open any of earlier posts too published on Indiblogger.  In the web address if '.in' is replace by '.com', I am able to open my post.  Also, I tried re-registering my blog ending as'.com' on Indiblogger, but it's not accepting.  I wrote a personal mail to Indiblogger highlighting this problem.  Waiting for their response.

Thanks and Regards,



rupam sarma
rupam sarma
from Guwahati
4 years ago

Not working, Still unable to submit new blog posts.

Hope Team Indiblogger solve the problem soon.

i just checked and is working for me.

Rajeev Moothedath
from Bangalore
4 years ago

It is working for you because it is already registered on indiblogger as .com.  On the other hand we are registered as .in.  (it was .in at that time) Subsequently google has changed all blogger accounts to .com (mismatch between the change and original registration in Indiblogger).

Rajeev Moothedath
Rajeev Moothedath
from Bangalore
4 years ago

Tried the suggestions giveb bt Tomichan. But it did not work.

rupam sarma
rupam sarma
from Guwahati
4 years ago

Facing same problem from few day, unable to submit my blog posts.


Tomichan Matheikal
Tomichan Matheikal
from Kochi
4 years ago

Rajeev, clear all history and cache from your laptop or phone or whatever it is that you're using. Then open your blog with .com ending instead of .in. Then try to post, it should work.


I wrote to Indiblogger on this, Rajeev.. Hope they correct this.. Presently I am unable to Post on Indivine or IndSpire!

Rajeev Moothedath
Rajeev Moothedath
from Bangalore
4 years ago

Thank you for your reply Sreedharji. Hope Indiblogger will take appropriate action.

Regards, Sreedhar Bhattaram


Me too having the same problem.. I think Blogger address ending with '.in' is presently replaced by '.com' by Google where as we registered our blogs with Indiblogger ending with '.in'  Indiblogger has to take into account this change or make a change in respect of this or accept both '.in' as well as '.com' for our blogs.  

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