Let us Take Initiation to save this country and world.

from Vijayawada
15 years ago

We have seen that world is facing the serious Global economic crisis. But Now we are facing a new and much more serous problem That is H1N1 influenza(Swine Flu) which is claiming live of the people.Im not that great person to solve the problem of Global economic crisis. But as a human I want the people to take care of their lives by providing the useful info to protect themselves from Swine flu by taking initiation. So friends!! please pass this message and help people from this swine flu. Till now in our country 26 people died of this flu with 2,000 people suffering from it. Here are the steps to avoid spreading and preventing Swine flu. and also the symptom were also mentioned over here. Gadgetcage So friends please take it seriously and try to spread this message.

Edited 15 years ago
Reason: Changed info
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Neeraj Shinde
Neeraj Shinde
from Pune
15 years ago

Thanks or sharing!

from Vijayawada
15 years ago

thnqq!! I please try to pass this msg. It shuld be spreaded in order to take preventive measures. Since our country lost 45 lives till now bcause of this flu.

from kolkata
15 years ago

great tips.. sure worth sharing !

from Vijayawada
15 years ago

thnqq!! I please try to pass this msg. It shuld be spreaded in order to take preventive measures. Since our country lost 45 lives till now bcause of this flu.

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