Avinash Mishra would like you to review his/her blog.
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Updated new design, Please do me a favor and review my blog

Hello All,

I have changed the blog's design. Can anyone do me a favor by reviewing my blog?

Thanks in advance.


Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Adarsh Rawat
Adarsh Rawat
from lalitpur
6 years ago

Dear Avinash,

I had a look on your blog and I found everything nice except these few things:

About Design-

  • Site header's height is 80px and I don't thing a user want to see this header with yellow color to cover his screen. A user always wants to concentrate on main article text so it would be distracting to make other things cover big part of screen.
  • Colour scheme could be better as low contrast combination is not good for user like you have written white text on yellow background.
  • I see there are many ads on one page. It is your choice but I would recommend to not to use more than ads per page.
  • There are too many widgets in one page and page is distracting for user.

About SEO -

  • When SEO is considered, your main article text is the most important thing. You should give importance to article and other things then.
  • I think site has too many widgets which take too much time to load on 3G network and then if user's signal is low or network is 2G then you know it irritates user to immediately leave site because of slow loading and this results in low session duration and hence SEO. So, please consider reducing web page size.

I think knowing your minus points is better than knowing your plus points, so I did not mention your plus points (although there are many).

So, I reviewed your site and it is you turn Review mine.

Here are the links-

review page-https://www.indiblogger.in/forum/review.php?id=23933

website url- The Hindu Prayer

Thanks a lot for your honest review. I will work on it. You will get my review. :)