Require help in adsense link ads creation

from New Delhi
6 years ago


I have created link ads unit in adsense and successfully implemented in my blog about Join Indian Army. In my link adunit, background color is yellow, I want to create white background of adunit so that it mixes with content color. Would you please guide me how to do it. I have tried many times, created many adunit but couldn't achieve success. Hope you will  help me to resolve this issue.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
from New Delhi
6 years ago

Hi Paul,

I have changed the theme and now everything is set up perfectly. Adsense unit are working perfectly on all posts and page related to Indian army.

Can you review my blog about Join indian army now and suggest me any improvement now.


Benaya Paul
Benaya Paul
from Chennai
6 years ago

Hey dude, google adsene it working on your site but the black color banner is hidding the google adsene just remove the black color banner in your header and check. you can see the ads.

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