IT's Our Day!! Abhi Jaago! Happy Independence Day India

from Vijayawada
15 years ago

India became a 62-year-old independent nation

First of all, we should salute our soldiers who gave their life for us, in 1962 Indo-China war,1965 and 1971 Indo-Pak wars, 1999 Kargil war and saved us from the jaws of the enemy many times. They are ever ready to provide us safety, security and tension free sleep.

Our scientists have done extraordinary work and India has attained the capability to sendsatellites and rockets into space and we are now working on a Moon mission.

India has achieved many achievements. These span out into all sectors - whether indefencespace missionsIndustrieslife expectancyliteracytransporttechnology,healthtelecommunications, films or sports

Before Starting our Discussion let us know about our country in brief:

  • Nation Flag : Tricolor
  • Emblem : Sarnath Lion Capital
  • Motto : Satyameva Jayate (Truth alone Triumphs)
  • National Anthem : Jana Gana Mana
  • National Song : Vande Mataram (I bow you Mother)
  • Capital : Delhi
  • Largest City : Mumbai
  • National Language : Hindi
  • Currency : Indian Rupee (INR)
  • National Animal : Royal Bengal Tiger
  • National Bird : Indian Peacock
  • National Flower : Lotus
  • National Tree : Banyan
  • National Fruit : Mango
  • National Sport : Hockey
  • Calling Code : 91
  • First Person : President
  • Other names : Hindustan, Bharat
  • Army : World's second largest Army (With about 1,325,000 soldiers in active service and about 1,800,000 reserve troops)

For more info visit Gadgetcage


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from Vijayawada
15 years ago

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