Do Religious Sentiments override Pandemic Precautions?

Neeraj Shinde
Neeraj Shinde
from Pune
15 years ago

Despite the precautionary directions from the authorities, pertaining to the ongoing threat of the increasing cases of the swine flu pandemic, today I came accross a few  organizations celebrating the festival of Janmashtami in great numbers. Although, a few of the organizations have reportedly cancelled their festive events, compliance has not been observed at all levels. The flu panic has been floating around for quite a number of months now, the increase in the number of casualties is just a illustrations of it gathering its roots in India. Government is trying it's best to gather a grip over the situation. Isn't it a matter of personal responsiblity rather than giving undue significance to social gatherings?

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Neeraj Shinde
Neeraj Shinde
from Pune
15 years ago

Some term it as blind faith, whereas some term it as 'devotion'. If I am participating in any religious festival, God - the omnipresent is there to protect me. Though science does not support mythology, doctors believe that it does have a certain physcological effect on the mind. Even when doctors sometimes give up, they ask the patient's guardians to have faith in God. And that's what has been depicted in most of the Indian Movies. Certainly, prayers help us when nothing works at last resort.

Somehow, socializing, celebrating in the name of God and thus overriding the basic precautionary measures is something I really do not understand.

from Mumbai
15 years ago

In a country like it India, and I say this with regret, I feel it does... Religious sentiments do override the pandemic precautions, the main reason 'blind faith', superstitions and lack of complete & precise info.

There were even cases where people were asking doctors if attending swin flu parties could cure them...only because these parties consisted of others who had already been cured and hence they would be immune!!!

Of course...I would say it is only a matter of personal responsibility and nothing else.

ajit joy
ajit joy
from mumbai
15 years ago

of course it is a mater of personal responsibility.... I am wondering if shutting down schools and malls is a solution...why dont they give a national hloiday - a full seven days-!! 

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