Which Social Platforms are Best For Blog Traffic?

Niharika Verma
Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

Apart from regular social sites such as FB, Twitter, and Instagram, I am using lot more platforms but hardly see any effect. I am interested to know what other social platforms can help us in Increasing Blog Traffic?

Replies 1 to 16 of 16 Ascending
from Jamshedpur
6 years ago

I am using Flipboard, Pinterest, Tumblr.

Do not know about Flipboard but Tumblr is nice. Pinterest if you have a good image.

pranita deshpande
pranita deshpande
from latur
6 years ago

If Facebook has stopped to put a post in the groups?  Whats the source.?

Nirmal Ghimire
Nirmal Ghimire
from Assam
6 years ago

Try LikedIn

Md qureshi
Md qureshi
from Indore
6 years ago

Beside this in my opinion Quora and Yahoo answers is best for divert traffic on the blog

Ishani Nath
Ishani Nath
from Guwahati
6 years ago

I think twitter and there are facebook groups which help to generate traffic. I am a new blogger and I have joined some and it's helping to some extent. Also the best way is to have good content which is unique and your readers can relate easily or find helpful. 

Manistha Jain
Manistha Jain
from Indore
6 years ago

FB platform bring many more effective engagement with targeted location, I am getting trafic from located group of fb members.

Ravi Prakash Sharma
Ravi Prakash Sharma
from Kolkata
7 years ago

Are you looking for Paid Traffic? Or Looking for Organic Traffic? As I guess you only want organic traffic and probably you are right, but getting organic traffic not an easy task. 

I just reviewed your blog “thepinkvelvetblog” and I did not find anything special in term of beauty. Most of the time you just reviewing the beauty products rather than providing information. What is Beauty? Actually beauty itself includes everything like – Face, Eyes, Hairs, Skin, Nail, Foot, Teeth and Lips etc. Let’s start writing on generic subjects, a term that relate with beauty. 


how to get rid of pimples, how to get rid of acne, hair loss cure, how to get long hairs, suitable colours for dark skin, what to wear to a wedding, how to matte nail polish, how to use derma roller, how to get rid of darkness under eyes…….so many things I can’t write here!!! 

I am a digital marketer, I know these things very well, getting traffic is easy but you have to develop skills of writing, finding targeted audiences, writing topics that people loves to read, niche of the website. It does not matter how many followers you have on social media. The matter is, what they want to read and what they want to see, If you are not getting traffic from the page where you have 50K followers then I am sure followers are not interested in your article (product review). 

Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

Thank you for your feedback :)

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
7 years ago

Roposo and many other such platforms get lots of likes and even a non-beauty, non-cosmetic, non-food, non-dance, non-singer content can get some traction as a link to a blog is possible if one posts regularly. Not sure how many from Roposo actually get to visit my blog but I am utterly surprised to have a following of more than 30,000 now after just an year of being active there. 

Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

Yes totally. Roposo is the only platform I guess where I have 50K follower base plus thousands and lacs of views. Whereas Insta makes it so hard.

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
7 years ago

Twitter is the only platform where a link is active and the accompanying text has some chance of creating enough intrigue in a twitter-reader's mind to click and go to a blog post to read. However, tweets with really well captioned pictures sent multiple times to ensure that a global audience accesses them, is shown to be the best pusher. At least my own blog's analytics show that many readers have visited after accessing my tweet. Twitter makes promotion easier as one can schedule tweets for not just different times of a day but also different days.

Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

Nice to know :) Twitter does play a role but maybe I am missing something to make twitter more productive for me :)

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
7 years ago

Facebook is now a den of everyone 'sharing' but no one really reading. So clicking a link to reach out for a blog is way too much to expect. I personally feel that a reasonable length of text with pictures does get some attention and there is then a small probability that some of those who 'like' an FB post might attempt to be brave enough to read the complete article. But then a FB timeline moves super fast and if there is no immediate action by a reader, a post is buried faster than anyone would want.

Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

Agreed :) But I do get good traffic from FB groups.

Arvind Passey
from Delhi
7 years ago

Yes, Niharika... FB groups can be useful. Even I have one called 'The Real Fiction' that has around 13000 members. But I have watched and observed groups getting completely inactive because everyone believes in posting and hardly any in interacting or responding. The problem could be that if groups aren't managed well, they get chock full of updates that have nothing to do with the basic dna of a group.

Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

Thats so true

Niharika Verma
Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

Well said :)

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
7 years ago

Instagram, many people feel, is a platform where there is no dearth of 'likes' which is almost like the ones we get on indivine... but there is no guarantee that those people have actually visited a blog and read what you have written or expressed. I guess this is because a link on instagram isn't active within a post and it is expecting too much from a population in a hurry to 'see' rather than sit back and read.

Niharika Verma
Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

FB groups yeah totally. But didn't notice any effect from Pinterest and Flipboard :) will explore them more

Raghav Modi
Raghav Modi
from Gurgaon
7 years ago

FB Groups, Pinterest, Flipboard

Pinterest works great if you have appropriate images.

Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

Cool :)

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
7 years ago




Five years ago, it was a different situation. Internet marketers wasn't a thing. All content could be distributed organically without paying. You got good exposure. You got real people to read, share and like. Now, thanks to internet marketers, social media is ruined. In one corner you will have them sell bot followers/likes/comments which hardly gets anything except fake numbers, in another corner social media charging you a lot to show your content to your own readers in the group/page and then there are paid content makers/ bloggers, fake news writers, propaganda makers, etc. which force social media companies to become policemen. Social media wasn't really a long-term source, to begin with. Nothing beats search engine traffic, but again algorithms keep changing because of bloggers and fake/propaganda news/content makers. No different in Youtube, too. Best way probably is to post in facebook groups. Most won't allow bloggers posting links because that will simply annoy people. Create your own, invite people suitable for such content. Have contests, have giveaways, share your content in the middle. For now, Facebook groups gives good reach. 

Niharika Verma
from Noida
7 years ago

I agree. I feel like most of the traffic is from FB Group :) Thanks

Hey! You beat me to the answer!

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