Want to revive my blog. Suggestions
My blog address is : <check my profile>
Wish to revive the blog, suggestions required.
- Try getting rid of Adobe Flash (I see a popup that asks me to enable Adobe Flash)
- The text colour interferes with the background. At times it's difficult to read.
- You serve content over https which is good. One of your widgets doesn't load. It gives the error message "Cannot load over secure connections." I'd recommend getting rid of it.
Some personal suggestions that not everyone will agree to.
- I feel you could remove the widget which displays your blog worth. I don't think it benefits the reader in anyway.
- The same goes for the flag counter. They unnecessarily slow a website down.
No link spamming pls.. pls post your request in the blog reviews section pls
Hi Swati, I was reading your blog on my phone and I was not able to view the categories. Even I found difficult to navigate and finally i switched to web version.
I think you can try some other theme otherwise content is good.
Good but text is too small. Consider changing to a professional third party theme :)