A psychology puzzle for all you bright indibloggers

Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
7 years ago

A pizza place introduces loyalty cards for its customers. Every time a customer buys pizza, they get a stamp in their loyalty cards. When the card fills with six stamps, they get a pizza.

Some months later, they run the same campaign again. But there is a small difference. They customers need to collect eight stamps , instead of the six earlier, to get a pizza. But they were given a "head start."  When the customers received their cards, there were two stamps already stuck in the card. (So effectively, they need to eat only six pizzas to get a free pizza just like before)


Now the question to you is, which campaign was more successful? I mean, in which campaign did customers eat pizzas regularly and get the loyalty bonus?

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Sairam Rajamani
Sairam Rajamani
from Bangalore
7 years ago

A very late answer. But, as I say, better late than later Smile

Yes indeed! The campaign that gave "head start" was more successfu, because the customers felt they have achieved already something and wanted to complete the task. This tendency of people is used by psychologists to bring changes in organization/country etc.

from India
7 years ago

Though, I'm not so bright, I guess, the second campaign was more successful. I think so because, in the second case, the customers already have two of the 8 required stamps, which will certainly push most of them to go on and spend on the remaining 6 as soon as they can.

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