IndiBlogger Android App - Help & Feedback

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
8 years ago

The IndiApp is finally here! We have a beta version of the IndiBlogger Android app - with basic forum & IndiVine functionality. We will be adding more features to it in the next few weeks - but that depends on what everyone wants. Please let us know, in order of priority, which features of IB you would like to see on the app, and we'll work on it accordingly!

We'll be launching an iOS version as well - as soon as we make sure the Android version and the API is well tested and stable.

As always, please report any bugs you find here as well - we've tested this on as many devices as we can, but that's probably 0.1% of the Android devices out there. Smile

Replies 1 to 20 of 40 Descending

Just downloaded the Indiblogger app.Its a good thing that you have finally managed to release an app.

Some features you should add:

1.Indirank stats


3.Posts in Indivine when selected directs to original source site.Instead it should be going to the summary page.

4.Enable Submit Indivine Posts in-app.

All the best & keep the good work guys!

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
8 years ago

Thanks Arjun! 1, 2 and 4 are coming up soon. As for 3 - we designed it this way to make it quicker, and to make sure the blog post gets the traffic...

Stuti Shrimali
Stuti Shrimali
from Mumbai
8 years ago

It looks cool. Hope to be able to Change profile pic, check events etc. Nonetheless, kudos for all the efforts. Keep rocking.

Wonderful! I've been having IB homepage open for 24/7 in my browser. My browser can rest now :) It's nice that the latest posts are highlighted. Each one of us' post will reach the homescreen atleast for a while.

I would like the app to send me notifications of multiple activities like a new campaign, a new indione project, may be a vote on my post, new posts from my network, reminders for contest deadlines and pretty much everything that we now receive as an email notification. And I should be able to change the settings of what kind of notifications I want to receive. BTW I haven't received a notification yet, so I don't know how it works. 

It will be nice if we can raise a ticket, apply & accept indione projects and similar activities which one would prefer to do quickly. 

Congratulations for bagging the best start up! 

Just a fancy thought: Why isn't there Indi-followers (something like WordPress followers)? And a badge to fluant on our blog the number of Indi-followers? 

Amar Naik
Amar Naik
from Ponda/Bangalore
8 years ago

Hi Indiblogger team,

 Great job on launching the app. Was able to browse through it and noticed some differences compared to desktop version. Not sure if this is an issue or just something that your team has plannd it. Here are the differences i observed

1. In desktop version indifeed comes when you click on 'Dashboard' option. But in mobile version , it comes on clicking 'Indifeed'

2. Hoping in future, you will have 'Submit Post' button in indivine in mobile app

3. Trending post posts gets auto refreshed and move on to next post in Desktop but not in mobile app. I checked only "IndiVine ->Tech -> Blogging'

4. On desktop version, the last option in Indivine is '#' which has more topics. Same is not there in mobile app.

5. I manually went to 4th trending post of '"IndiVine ->Tech -> Blogging'. When i selected option '"IndiVine ->Lifestyle -> Religion' it showed me 4th trending post. i am assuming it should get refreshd and start from 1st trending post. Same thing in other combinations.

6. When i clciked on 'Indiforum-Latest' and compared it with the posts in Desktop 'Forum-Latest Activity' i found some posts were not visible in desktop version. For example topic 'Testing project AGM 114[b] & Booyah' posted 7 months ago was visible in mobile but not in desktop

7. Similar when i clicked on 'Indiforum-Sticky'  and compared it with the posts in desktop 'Forum-Important stuff' i found some posts were not visible in desktop version. For example topic 'Indibugs Thread' posted 1 year ago was visible in mobile but not in desktop. Order of posts visible is also not same. For instance ordering of posts with topic 'Affiliate marketing - is it for you? ' and 'Ask IndiBlogger Anything .. Yes ANYTHING! :-) ' was different in both desktop and mobile

8. Hopefully in future you will have same tab/title names in both desktop & mobile version Looking forward to more features on the mobile app. Thanks team


from Bangalore
8 years ago

Nokia 3310? :P

from India
8 years ago

Congratulations IndiTeam Laughing

from Chennai
8 years ago

Just now installed the App.It's very cool and looks nice.Well done Renie Ravin.

This is GREAT!!! It was long awaited, glad it is here finally :) :) Hope the iOS app too will be LIVE soon :) 

Atulpriya Sharma
Atulpriya Sharma
from Hyderabad
8 years ago

Congrat Team IB. As they say in hindi, "Der aaye durust aaye..." Glad to have the app, I'm sure most of us won't be missing out on updates anymore ! Kudos guys 

Awesome app Renie... Waiting for this since long....loved it totally

from Delhi
8 years ago

This is the most amazing thing of 2017 in the blogging world! I was pretty sure the IB was upto something very cool. The app is great for starter. Also, I am not a SDET, so probably will let you know the things I would love as a front end user. 1. It would be great if we can directly post on IndiVine via the app. 2. Integrating IndiOne with the app might be a good thing. 3. Something like the homepage of IB where you can browse through the latest updates like the condiments, contests and collaborations. I am sure the subsequent versions are going to get cooler! This is again a great thing!

Just downloaded it. It's a great app.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
8 years ago

Join the discussion on Twitter folks, and don't forget to take the poll! Smile#IndiApp

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
8 years ago

Charmed. The idea, of having Indiblogger accessible even when I'm not working with the laptop switched on, is simply heart-warming.

from Chennai
8 years ago

A good start, a good aggregation of blogs, long way to go. Will be following the progress of the app. Will post feedback as and when

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
8 years ago

Thanks Vinodvv - we should have an update very soon. :-)

from Alappuzha
8 years ago

Its awesome,now I can able to read more blogs without using the pc and the theme also nice

Varun A P
Varun A P
from Bangalore
8 years ago

Have been waiting for an app for a very long time. The app pretty much packs all the basic necessary features from the indibloggers platform. Would like to see the directory also added in the coming weeks.

Aparna Mudi
Aparna Mudi
from Delhi
8 years ago

Have been waiting for the app for so long now. Waiting for the updates too... Kudos Indiblogger team.

Shraddha Singh
Shraddha Singh
from Indore
8 years ago

The most important feature is enabling SUBMIT POST option.. We should not need to have browser for full utility of IB. Please enable the basic and vital features like submiting posts and managing profile.

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
8 years ago

We're already working on this! :-)

from Mumbai
7 years ago

Congratulations to the Indiblogger team. I was waiting for this App as I have got busy with job. I will be soon checking out the App and will try to give suggestions if possible.....

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