What do you think is the next ground breaking thing that blogging can achieve?
I was asked this question by a person working in the energy sector, when I was waiting for my flight. He saw my IndiBlogger Tee and figured he'd ask. I didnt have much to say and I realised I probably didnt give this question much thought.
So, what do you guys think?
Anoop I would love to do that. The only catch is BLOG technology wise i am handicapped ;) all I know is write/share/reply to comments. So if you can bear with my flaws I am more then hapoy to be the part of this Blog-Series.
Remember the good times when Rashmi Bansal (at the time working for JAM) and Gaurav Sabnis (working for IBM) posted about IIPM? Those were the days small blogs poked through people like a hot iron rod. Now, it feels watered down, too many companies starting click-bait content. I hear there's a new type of blogs called event bloggers. I feel many blogs now concentrate on fulfilling PR's needs on paper than connecting with readers. I feel these blogs might out-value real bloggers that connect with readers and put something useful. Then there's the political propaganda and self proclaimed social justice websites like youth ki awaaz which only posts one side of the story. Even in my field there are many loose characters now!
Having said that, UC Web has now come up with SEO friendly Writing guidelines that can really boost your blog rankings. Do give it a go.
Very useful writing tips and certainly helps
my personal feedback : 80% of bloggers here have poor SEO practices, slow loading templates, dont know how to rank higher in google search results
not able to write keyword rich articles. Primarily because they are not exposed to it nor know where to look for.
So if these things improve they can really launch themselves in a bigger front and can make Indian blogging into a much more organized sector.
yes there is a tech gap.. maybe the basics are very important for us to see Indian Bloggings true potential.
A Blogathon leading to publication of Book. For example, 10 passionate bloggers could come together, discuss on an issue, and each of them, write a set of blog-posts on the issue. The written content would be interesting and could be converted into a Book. If needed, help of a professional book writer could be taken for carving out a book out of those 10s of blog-posts.
Hey Shantinath, so publishing could be the future for bloggers? I somehow feel that authoring books and blogs are two very different things. You can wait years for a book to come out and through that time you dont recive too much of public attention buit with blogs its an instant affair. Although some of the skill sets required are the same, a lot of it isnt. you need to be a bit tech savy as well with a blog. Although this coukd be an avenue for some, for the masses.. we have to dig deeper..
I so agree with Deepika Singh.. Would be glad if indiblogger team can help us with such tutorials
Thanks Jayshree... yeah I really really really wish that tooo ;)
hey Jayshree, chk my reply to Dipika.
Ground Breaking thing a BLOG can do? Well, all I would say is this Blogging already broke many barriers in Indian Society, where some broken souls, significant talents hidden under carpets, second chance syndrome have kicked in & taken digi writing by surprise.
I wonder if we get full blogging tutorials; what we Indians can do!! #IndiBlogger #TalentHunt
ah second chances. I just love that thought owing to the number of mistakes that I have made in my life :-D.
maybe we can do a blog series on somethings to start with. IB has a property called WeBlogAcademy. Do you think that IB community could be teachers, be it digital or onground, spreading the gospel of blogging in some way.
I dont think its possible for just IB to create such vast content. We need the help of every member on IB to see it to fruition. The site could have video tutorils to live seminars etc all done by you guys. up for it?
I wouldn't mind.
marraiage of blog.. meaning? a community acting as one unit as opposed to individual names?
I know HR! I am just trying to fine out what else! :-)
Ok, you can try with startup business firm and Software resellers (national and international) if commerical one. Non-commercial one is up to you .
Become an independent publisher and a pvt ltd. If people are making so much effort and running a blog as a brand, its just a shame that they cannot make money out of it, hire a team and become an online publication company. Of course, not everyone can do this but its simply the next thing to do. Even youtubers that grow big eventually do this, buy an office, get a team, etc.
Creating a business from your blog is always a great idea. Its not very hard to do if you are focussed. So is this the next big thing? I think we must dig deeper .. what can blogging do for the masses as a whole? thats when the general public really starts backing bloggers as a community I would think. Just B2B alone may not cut it..
Successful blogs are already doing something for the masses. Becoming a registered company enables you to do more, get more people, pay them professionally, get more content out. Therefore doing more for the masses. Even in my case, I've been told that one of the reasons a couple of companies (like Intel) don't interact directly is because my site is not a part of a registered pvt. ltd. It does play a role. Like how domain names, professional email domains, professional b*****ng, business cards, professional setup, etc. does. It happens in India. Just not that often compared to the number of blogs start everyday. But then, only a handful can achieve success in blogging.
Like mp3, iTunes made artists show their work and earn, we need a good market place that puts readers and authors in touch. Automated book keeping and sofrware driven management.
This does make a whole lot of sense. accountability, service and recognition are critical.
From hobbies, its slowly (maybe very slowly) becoming a full time profession for many. People are now talking abt DA/PA/Alexa/Moz scores everywhere.. earlier it was just like, oh u blog, me too.. now ur judged on ur DA scores :). More than my job title, I am getting slightly better recognition in office/friends circle and outside for my blogger status.. From 2010-2014, it saw some stagnancy, but 15-16 onwards its gone up like anything. People have gone on Niche blogging (like Amazon Niche sites) and earning 1K$/month with ease. As long as its not abused by some bloggers, the system will become something really good :)
Yes this change is definitely happening and I am totally excited for everyone dabbling in this art. However,I ask myself, is the next ground breaking thing so obvious? If so it probably just needs a system in place.
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