I am stuck yet I say Have no Fear, Mamu is Here!

from New York City
15 years ago

I am new to IndiBlogger and new to the entire blogging world.. for many years I wanted to open a blog (like an online magazine) sort site and I've finally done it.

Its really for desi mens mostly - I am stuck now, totally out of ideas... its like even being a men myself can't think of what to write.

I thought I write about gadets and cars, I love sports car and can surely write about that but just when I sit to write about it I get bored writing about it, its more pleasant just looking at the cars and admire the beauty... Any suggestion for me? Even Mamu is in trouble I guess lol.

Regards,Ali, the Mamu himself!

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from New York City
15 years ago

thanks guys, really appreciate the feedback!

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

AskMamu? he he he .. funny dude! Nice mens online mag man .. very clean interface and lot of data.. adding you to my IndiNetwork :)

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