B Arvind Kumar would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://blog.arvindkumar.com ] IndiRank: 23

Looking for feedback on my new blog

B Arvind Kumar
B Arvind Kumar
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Dear Readers,

Please do leave a feedback on my blog. Your viewpoint will allow me to enhance the standard of my blogs.



Replies 1 to 5 of 5
Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
15 years ago

Ummmm, I have a different opinion from that of Prashanth. It is a question of what YOU want. Do you wish that you should have a platform for your expression, or do you wish that your blog receives a lot of comments???

I feel that a topical blog (like Prashanth suggests) attracts one particular set of readers again and again - those who are interested in the TOPIC, which means they may not exactly be interested in YOUR views on the topic. On the other hand, a truly personal blog will attract 1. either random readers or 2. a set of readers who keep coming back because they like YOUR writing. So the question is - which one would you rather have?

Another point - i was quite startled to read the unending list in your post abotu 'Why dont we get names other that Nehru, Gandhi.......'. But, I would have loved to read more about what your views are on this topic.

Keep writing,


Pushkaraj Apte


B Arvind Kumar
B Arvind Kumar
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Hi Pushkaraj,

I'm bit confused with two feedback completely different...! The trend of readers to my blog has been those who are not regular readers but get fascinated by the trivial mix of topics on my blog. Most of them (many known faces too) have suggested the such trivial mix suggests a confused mind to which I argued saying... had I not been trivial in my approach I would not have found you all reading and commenting on my choice of topics...!! My next topic (yet to be decided) will surely tell you and Prashanth on my approach forward...!!!

Thanks for a thoughtful feedback.



Sumeet Shah
Sumeet Shah
from Pune
15 years ago

Good one!!! gud mixture of topics!!! I liked the recession one in particular and also tried to post a comment. Do check it out. comments are not being posted on ur blog. It doesnt go beyond word verification!!!!!!! 

B Arvind Kumar
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Hi Sumeet,

Thanks for the compliment!!

I just checked... the comments section is working good now.



Sumeet Shah
Sumeet Shah
from Pune
15 years ago

it will work when u try because it wont ask for a word verification to u as u r the owner of the blog.... but wen an outsider tries s/he has to go thru word verification.... and thats where it gets stuck... try the same on my blog because yestdy only i changed my template for same reason... also if u do so i ll get to know if theres ny prob with my  blog or not

B Arvind Kumar
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Checked from a reader's perspective... !! 

Changed the comments form altogether.. Hope its convinient now!Smile

Sumeet Shah
Sumeet Shah
from Pune
15 years ago

k.. will try now