Vrushali Pathak would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.vrushali21.wordpress.com/ ] IndiRank: 37

I'm looking for feedback for my blog. I'd be glad if you could help!

Vrushali Pathak
Vrushali Pathak
from Bhopal
8 years ago

I started this blog on August 31, 2015. I started it with writing about books and I slowly converted into a book-art-fiction writing blog. I write everything on my own and try to avoid mistakes. 

I'd be glad to receive some feedback.

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
Dr.Amrita Basu
Dr.Amrita Basu
from Kolkata
8 years ago

Hi Vrushali 

I read a few of your book reviews I saw there were hardly any images.

Now book reviews obviously  don't really need images.But a blog is a very visual  media and I would love a pic of the book your were reviewing.Just my thought. Best of luck.

Vrushali Pathak
from Bhopal
7 years ago

Thanks for the reply! But I think I insert the book's front cover in my every review. Would you kindly point out the particular review in which I forgot to do so?