mobile verification code

Nivedhitha Rajavelu
Nivedhitha Rajavelu
8 years ago


This is regarding the mobile verification code for indione

I registerd for it yesterday and was waiting for the mobile verification code . but its been more than 24 hours and i havent got any update 

could concerned parties update on this 




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Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
8 years ago

Hey Nivedhita, Please raise a support ticket and in it Please add the phone number with which you are trying to get your code as well.


It reach u in few seconds...  

Not sure but sometimes such messages got blocked of u hv DND service Activated on ur mobile..  I faced similar issue with Gmail login verification code.   

If u have active DND service,  deactivate it n try again...  Hope it helps 

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