How many posts you write per month
Was curious on how many posts you write per month and what is the organic visitors per month you get
I write maybe 2 or 3 and I get 40 to 50 visitors per month.
I write about 10 news articles and between 3-6 reviews per month. It generates about 75,000-85,000 per month.
Whoa. Those are solid numbers/revelations
Is that all? I thought you write 4-5 per day.
I did at one point. post news and reviews. But the traffic quality needed to be emphasised and shown since a lot of newer PC tech websites were doing it. So I went old school and did what older websites are doing. I cut off posting product releases, stuck with driver updates, new chipset releases, information leaks from reliable source with personal opinion.
I changed the little things in review itself so that content per page in a post is longer. I am also learning about how to make vids for youtube so I needed to take time.
Results are very interesting:
That is something! Guess I could use some tips from you on how to monetise my blog?
Well, there's no direct way. Its just a combination of things which eventually leads to earning. Get your own domain. Get a better design. Stick to one main genre and dump the other type of content somewhere that wouldn't appear on the main website. Have affiliate links, host your own ads (but wordpress hosts their ads on such free sites so you'll need your own hosting). Have consistency in growth in quality and quantity of articles. Make it in a way that it keeps regular readers engaged and attracts new readers. Its only at this point you will start earning slowly. You are running your own publication. Difference is its an individually run, self funded and hence a lot of effort. If you are just running as a hobby blog, its all good. But doing for the sake of earning, its a different ball game.
Wow that is great. Got to learn a lot from you @The Sorcerer and I also noticed you are the most active member . Also was curious to know your blog address.
Its in the profile. Its still a very small website compared to established PC H/w review sites. BBQ is about five-years old and Doohickey is about few months old which generates 11-25 per day. Suffice to say starting a website today and gaining reader's attention and credibility is a lot tougher now than it was in 2010, so whatever I've learnt from starting the first site has more-or-less gone out the window with the newer site.
@The Sorcerer - You are the expert and I also feel what you said is the same. It is very challenging task.
I know nothing, apart from making content. People and readers have given constructive criticism from time-to-time which I've to act upon it and worked.
I write about 10 post in a month....but I haven't set any exact number of post to write can be more or less than 10.
And about traffic, I am getting 50% traffic through search engine...
Was going through your looks good..
Number of posts vary.
November had 10 posts, December 6, January 4, February 2, March 5.
Traffic also varies depending on the post, Since most of my traffic comes from Search engines.
My blog is about buses, and approx. 40 of the traffic actually comes looking for timings of NMMT/TMT buses in Mumbai.
The highest organic traffic I had was in Jan, as a spillover of an article that went live at 11.45 on December 31. Got 3.2k hits that month. Otherwise, it has been an average of 2000 post November.
I write about 8-10 per month and visitors vary between 1k-2k per month on an average.
I like that. Same with me. Having a fixed number of posts just kills the essence of blogging.
Been 6 months (oct 2015) since i started blogging on architecture and design and my posts vary from 4-7 a month. The traffic has been pretty generous ( i feel ) starting from 86 in 1st month to 3.2k this month (6th). Can anyone tell if this pace is good or slow?
As long as there's constant growth, it's always good- which is the case with your website. I just saw your website. Very clean and minimalistic. The choice of font for the header is good, too. So you're fine on that end as well. Just check out search results and see what kind of keywords are being used. Then have content that will be suitable for people that search with similar or same keywords.
Approx 4 month huey maine start kiya main is par 12 to 15 article monthly share karta hun jo ki blogging or social media se related post karta hun.
Thanks a lot Sorcerer, for thy words of wisdom shall guide me to victory...Sorry! couldn't hold myself from dramatizing the statement
Well done there! Your pace is good, and your traffic is commendable.
Around 25 posts per month. Organic traffic is far less since its photo blog. Generally I see around 2-3K pageviews per month.
Sometimes I write aroun 20 posts in a month and sometimes 5 posts. Getting around 500 visists per day (-snip- no ssp.)
Have been inactive for more than a year now since my content goes elsewhere for pay, but at my peak I used to post daily and get about 300-400 views per day. Funnily enough, I still get around that number having been inactive for a year. Explain that :P
That is the benefit of organic search. No wonder "Content is King"
My content is very niche though
Have been trying to post 4 posts a month on the gardening blog, 2 posts every month on the blogging blog, and haven't decided on a particular number for my personal blog. Now the problem is, at times, like, has happened in the past three months, I haven't been regular on any of these, but, now, I have again started working on these blogs.
The 3 year old gardening blog gets around 100-150 pageviews a day, the biggest chunk of the traffic being, Search Engines; around 50 pageviews on the blogging blog, and weirdly enough, around 100 pageviews daily on the personal blog, for the past one month, almost all of which comes from Google, a mystery, I haven't been able to resolve yet.
Your personal blog has lot of stuff on Kejriwal...who seems to be google's darling after Katrina that should explain
I have 6 blogs ... I atleast write 6 blogs every day ... Then I write for other people also ... that counts upto 10-12 blogs a day ... On my personal blogs , I have daily hit of minimum 3000 ...
6 blogs...OMG :-0. That is a lot of maintenance.
Thats awesome Ambika ji. Your are getting 3000 hits daily ? How about earning from your own blog ?
I don't see any kind of ads ? How much you charge for a blog ?
I write 4-6 on an average per month and currently getting 80K+ visitors monthly from my primary blog. 90% traffic is Organic
I write approx 20 every month.
ABout 20-25 per month has been the average for me since an year... Mostly short posts (500 words or less). I breakdown a trip into small small topics and write, as it is difficult to find time to write long detailed posts in one go
It's so inspiring to see so many hard working and a few lazy (like me) bloggers crowding the space. [Motivated smile]
Hi All !
I too a blogger and my frequency is about 1-2 article per day and I generate around 100 per day. Since I am working professional due to which I cannot provide my full time blogging to my blog but yes what ever I come across during office work, I think of one good topic and start writing.
I have a question - do you think if one takes a dedicated IP address while hosting, website speed does increases?
Contrary to the popular belief, doing SSP in a forum full of bloggers with a prime motive to promote just looks silly when there's already indivine and blog review section. Also, SSP is not allowed!!