Okariki Okaru would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://www.okarikiokaru.blogspot.com ] IndiRank: 25

"Looking for feedback on my new blog"

Okariki Okaru
Okariki Okaru
from Chennai
8 years ago

Please review my blog

Replies 1 to 1 of 1
The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
8 years ago

Thumbnail and featured Images look stretched. Typically, I would have suggested running a WP plugin to rebuilt images but I am not sure about going about it with blogger or if there's any way to do it. Secondly, using too many stock images makes a site look bad and artificial as if it's randomly picked up from the internet. I don't understand the language but judging by the images, why not click your own images and use them instead? It gives a natural feel to it and makes an impression that the webmaster is putting a decent effort behind the website.  Clicking on thumbnails does not open the article, but it does with links. I click an article under 'recent videos' but once it's opened the breadcrumbs is labeled under 'jokes'? why not rename it instead? I am assuming that's a limitation with blog spot.  email subscription box and its description is in English. "Link" and "Flickr" section is empty. If you don't have anything to fill those section you should consider removing them. Most of the articles reflected on the main page is repeating itself on the top, mid and lower section. Why not just pick a simple theme with a simple front page interface instead? The post area is so small while the primary and secondary sidebars are big for the theme's width. Either increase the site's overall width or considering ditching one of the sidebars, giving more space to the content post sections.