What websites do you follow for blogging tips?

Dr Sujit
Dr Sujit
from New Delhi
8 years ago

I read SEJ, SEMRush, SEOMoz. 


Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Ascending
Srikanth Ramakrishnan
Srikanth Ramakrishnan
from Mumbai
8 years ago

The best way to be a good blogger is to read other blogs. That's my honest opinion. Everything else will just influence the way you do things. Blogging is not a 'Fixed Standard' that conforms to various norms and thus cannot be like, "I solved 10 problems today so my Calculus is better". [Although no matter how much I solved, my calculus remained weak.]

Soumyadeep Bidyanta
Soumyadeep Bidyanta
from Siliguri
8 years ago

Shout me loud 

Dr Sujit
Dr Sujit
from New Delhi
8 years ago

SEJ, Moz provide the latest on SEO, google and trends. They are the specialist in SEO in the field. For tips problogger is good for newbies, smartpassiveincome is inspiring as well.

Srikanth Ramakrishnan
Srikanth Ramakrishnan
from Mumbai
8 years ago

To be honest, SEMrush and Moz are lame when it comes to blogs.

Post BNLF, I follow Christophe Trappe regularily. If you're on twitter, check out hashtags like BlogChat, BlogChatter, A2ZChat etc. Often give out good lessons in 140characters.

Dr Sujit
from New Delhi
8 years ago

Will check those too

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