Zeenat Merchant Syal would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://positiveprovocations.com ] IndiRank: 73

Would Love Your Reviews for My New Blog.

Zeenat Merchant Syal
Zeenat Merchant Syal
from Mumbai
15 years ago

My Name is Zeenat Merchant Syal. Am a Counseling Psychologist&Naturopath by profession.

I have Just started Blogging and would love your support.

Blog Name -

POSITIVE PROVOCATIONS for mind body and soul.

Trying to Heal the World One Blog Post at a time-Spreading Positivity, Motivation, Inspiration and Happiness!!


Edited 15 years ago
Reason: Need a fresh set of reviews cause i have just changed and updated my blog.
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
15 years ago

I was instantly attracted to your blog because of the way you describe yourself on this forum (consulting psychologist and naturopath) but when I visited the blog, my first reaction was - there is so much clutter!

it was tough for me to wade through the morass of links to get to the actual stuff, i.e. your posts. The posts themselves are interersting and thought-provoking, but the clutter on the page may put off some readers.

Keep writing,

Pushkaraj Apte


Nishant Mishra
Nishant Mishra
from New Delhi
14 years ago

Zeenat, your blog brings happiness as it opens up. I have fallen in love with your header. & I must say that though I M not much into reading serious blogs, your blog is going to call me again & again. When everybody else is sharing jokes or lamenting on current affairs, your blog on positivity and motivation deserves to be ranked top. I too have a blog of Hindi motivation stories http://hindizen.com

I don't know if you have made some changes in your blog's appearance recently, i think you should let it as it is. Blog isn't cluttered at all.

* * * * * for you:)

Zeenat Merchant Syal
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Nishant....youre so sweet to give me such an awesome review for my blog. Thank you so so much :)

I am going to add you to my network here...and go check out your blog now....I am sure i will love it. When you are so sweet....your blog will be sweet too.

Ohh..and thank you for the shiny 5 stars ;) Made my day :)