How to increase Adsense revenue with Blog

Hello to all,

I am Adsense user. using with self-hosted wordpress Blog (link removed). Any baody tell me about adsense revenue increasing methods. i used most of the method by following some of the experts sugestions. But no use. Suggest tips to increase adsense revenue with my blog. Your suggestions are more valueble.


Thank you

Satish Kumar Ithamsetty

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
from New Delhi
9 years ago

Satish, Affiliate marketing will the best way to get earnings. Your traffic should be nice and tweak your content to be more specific about any product and have product link on that page. It'll take some time to get habit of posting this way. Keep up the good work. You really doing great. Get the good work going on and money will follow automatically.

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Consider signing up with Flipkart/Amazon US, UK and India as well. I get pretty decent kickback from Amazon US referrals- between 5% to 6% of the product's cost. Unless you're generating 100,000 per month at least with 25% bounce rate and high average time on site, looking only at ad revenue isn't a good idea. 

from Mumbai
9 years ago
Don't leave blog links in the forum. It's not allowed. Next time I'll delete the whole reply.

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