Wake up to a Gold Morning!

Gauri Kamath
Gauri Kamath
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Blog about your mantra how you turn your good mornings to gold mornings using #Colgate360GoldMornings


Edited 9 years ago
Reason: to make link clickable
Replies 181 to 200 of 295 Descending
Anonymous Soul
Anonymous Soul
from Mumbai
9 years ago

I still have not recieved.. Cry

Karthik Murali H
Karthik Murali H
from Chennai
9 years ago

@Renie  : pls clarify on the word limit ..  It wasnt mentioned in the submission requirements in the IB Happy hour page.

I have exceeded 500 words. Hence pls clarify the same

from Cochin
9 years ago

I have exceeded 500-600 words too and submitted. I believe that the posts should follow only the submission requirements on the Happy Hours page because going to a Colgate page is not suggested. Having a maximum word limit is not normal either.

Amitesh Gupta
Amitesh Gupta
from Patna
9 years ago

First I had written the blog post in around 500 words but after taking the note from Colgate website, luckily, I edited and made it in less than 450 words! SmileSmile

Shubham Nyaik
Shubham Nyaik
from Indore
9 years ago

Four questions

1) Is there any last date for the submission of the entry and who are eligible to submit?

2) In T&C it is written- "The subject line for the blog is how to turn good mornings into gold morninings". Do we have to write the post with the same "Subject Line"?

3) Is there any link that has to inserted in the post?

4) What is the world limit?


bonus question

Mera Hamper kab aayega?


Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
9 years ago

bonus question

Mera Hamper kab aayega?




Anonymous Soul
Anonymous Soul
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Please add mine too.. Can we write a blog post before recieving hamper as it can be possible that some of us will get it on the last day of its deadline.  and where do we need to submit it??

Archana Natarajan
Archana Natarajan
from Bangalore
9 years ago

Is there any specific time during which we should submit our post? As in befor 4:00 PM? As I tried submitting my post sometime back, it says - Error code: Ragnir

Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
9 years ago

@Archana, no, there is no time slot for this particular happy hour. But while submitting a post to indivine or for a contest, if you got a Gandalf or Ragnir error, it means that your post's description was too short. By post's description, I mean, while submitting your post, you are asked to write a short description about it. So try submitting your entry on the happy hour's page once again and this time, make sure to write a description of at least 7-8 words, the best would be to simply copy the first few lines of your post and paste it there in the box. I hope you succeed this time. Good luck Smile

Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
9 years ago
Amit Pattnaik
Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
9 years ago

My guess is they have probably misspelt it, it's a typo error I think, instead of writing "less than", they wrote "more than" - "not less than than 500 words".


Because logically even writing just three words ("Thank you Colgate") in the blogpost should suffice because 3 is less than 450! Tongue out 


Or may be, they want to test our writing skills as to how well we can present our thoughts in a concise and precise manner, after all brevity is the norm these days and can be beautiful.

Archana Natarajan
Archana Natarajan
from Bangalore
9 years ago

@Amit - Thanks. I tried as you suggested but not working. May be I'll try tomorrow. 

Mera Hamper Kab Aayega Cry

Karthik Murali H
Karthik Murali H
from Chennai
9 years ago

I  guess world limit over or below 450 is not an issue i guess since its not mentioned anything in the IB HH page

Since IB team are the ones moderating we can safely assume , a word limit check will not happen for this hopefully :)

Karthik Murali H
Karthik Murali H
from Chennai
9 years ago

These are the req :

  • Your entry must include the hashtag #Colgate360GoldMornings.
  • Only fresh, original posts written specifically for this campaign are allowed. Your entry must be relevant to the topic.
  • Your post should be free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. All entries will be checked for quality.
  • Your entry must be a blog post, not a blog page. Your post must be present in your RSS feed.
  • You agree to ensure (to the best of your abilities and circumstances) that your blog post remains accessible in an un-altered state for a minimum of one year.DosDont's
  • Please do not call this a "contest" in your post. Since every valid entry wins, this is not a contest.
  • This topic is about Colgate India. Please don't mention "Happy Hours" or "IndiBlogger" in your blog post.
  • This Indi-Happy Hour page can only be accessed by IndiBloggers; Please do not link to this page.
  • Your entry must not have any plagiarised content or images you don't have permission to use. If you have used images from external sources, credit must be given to the original source. (Google Images is not a source)
Rajni sinha
from nagpur
9 years ago

Please can you tell me what is the meaning of ' link to this page " 

incidently my post has  443 words :) 


Dr Mandira
Dr Mandira
from New Delhi
9 years ago

Anyone from Delhi/NCR recieved the hamper? I don't have indispatch update :( Does that mean no hamper? Cry

Ankita S
from Faridabad, Haryana
9 years ago

same here :(

Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
9 years ago

Me too Cry Most of the Indi-Delhiites are sailing in the same boat, I guess Cry

Mamata Patil
Mamata Patil
from Gurgaon
9 years ago

Even Hyderabadi's did not receive anything!!!!

Archana Natarajan
Archana Natarajan
from Bangalore
9 years ago

Pheww!!! Finally submitted!!

Still Waiting :(

Arunima Basu
Arunima Basu
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Deadline is 15th! My hamper dint turn up! Not fair!

Dr Mandira
Dr Mandira
from New Delhi
9 years ago

if there is no hamper then how do we write the post?

Nikita aka Njkinny
Nikita aka Njkinny
from Ghaziabad
9 years ago

I also didnt get the hamper yet and there is no indispatch update! How do I write the post? 

Saachi Garg
Saachi Garg
from Mumbai
9 years ago


Any chance that the deadline would be extended? Many of us haven't yet recieved the hamper.

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