Wake up to a Gold Morning!
Blog about your mantra how you turn your good mornings to gold mornings using #Colgate360GoldMornings
Reason: to make link clickable
In Indistatus, its showing as two different activities with different no. of entries. I have written and submitted without even getting any hamper out of this confusion. Please clarify whether my enry would be accepted or not :(
Both are same.. you have to submit your entry once you get the hamper..
If I can access the submit button, does it mean, my Hamper is on the way😀
Still havnt received the hamper... how do i know if im in or not?
I'm in Mumbai too. Still haven't received anything. I think none of the Mumbaikars have recieved it yet.
Like Renie said the other day, the particular Happy Hour page that has been created for this Colgate campaign will be accessible only to those who had applied for the hamper. So if you are able to access the Happy Hour page, that means your hamper is on the way.
I can find the submit button! Lets hope wl receive the package as well.
@Renie @Indiblogger team - Can we have an InDispatch update on this ? It might help those who haven't got their hampers keep a track of it using the logistics ID. #JustSaying
I second that because right now we have no idea where the packet is or how to track it.
Dear Team,
1. This contest has been converted into Happy hours contest, so the people who have applied for the hamper will be able to write or anyone can?
2. If anyone can then though we have not received the hamper, we can still write and submit our entry.
Kindy clarify, lot of confusions here. TIA.
Just read the terms and conditions on Colgate website. It says the blog should not be more than 450 words.
What's that lame song that has become a favourite with the DJs these days? Oh, yeah, "DJ wale babu, mera gaana chala do... DJ wale babu, mera gaana chala do".
"Hamper wale Babu, mera hamper dilaa do... Hamper wale Babu, mera hamper dilaa do"
Mera Hamper Kb Aayega
@Amit : Many of us are ready to sing this with u... Hamper wale babu mera hamper dila do...
I think I should buy myself a white saree and a few candles... Till the time, the courier wala actually comes and knocks on the door, I will wander about in the rooms singing "aayegaa, aayegaa, aayegaa.. aayegaa aane wala, aayegaa!" wearing that white saree and holding a lighted candle, to keep the morale up
I have not recv the hamper yet, can I still post my entry?
Your wish
Is there any last date of submission? May be we can wait till then for hamper.
I guess the hampers are being dispatched by the Colgate team and not by IB and that's why we can't find tracking details under the IndiDispatch tab
Waiting Waiting And Waiting for my Hamper
ditto :(
no hamper yet... :(
Received at Bangalore. All that I expected was a tiny packet of tooth brush. But received a heavy package of awesomeness! Thanks a bunch Colgate!!!
But I don't see a link for submission.
use this link
Thanks Simran. Got it now.
I was happy that u would have got it in Chennai :( but u said its in Blr
Dont know when they will deliver it for us