Purchased New Domain name for my blog and Facing Problem
Hell everyone.
I am stuck in a situation where i have Purchased New Domain name for my blog and now i am not able to submit post.
Is anyone have faced same situation and how to resolve it.
I have written to indi help desk some 10 days ago but dinot get reply.
Urget help needed.
My Blog: IngenuityDias
Old Link: http://ingenuitydias.blogspot.com
New link: http://www.ingenuitydias.com
Finally .......... Someone cared to respond to my tickets.Domain changed Hurrahhhhhhhhhhhyeeeeeeee.
Thank You Indi Team.
Hi Narasimha Sharma Veturi Yes.It seems i have to wait for their decision.
Thanks for your reply.
It is not working.I think you have given link to account settings.There changing blog URL is not allowed.It says to submit blog as new one.
Thank you for your reply.
IndiAdmins need to change your blog url from your profile, and only then you can submit new links from it.
Raising a support ticket is your best bet, but since you have already done it, you can wait for it to be resolved. Or poke them on Twitter or FB
Hi @write2ravi_kanth, head to https://www.indiblogger.in/myaccount_editblog.php and change the url for your blog.
Once you're done with this and it has been updated by IB, it should work.
Amar Naik Please tell me where i have to submitt it.Do i have to apply as we do for new blog or something else.Thnks in advance.
@Sudhanshu I am not able to submitt new post.It is saying "Not Allowed " since my URL has changed.
you have to add the new blog url/name to indiblogger before your new blog post can be submitted on Indiblogger.
What type of error are you facing?
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