Ganesh would like you to review his/her blog.
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If you are free, could you please review my tech blog?

from Chennai
8 years ago

I like to blog about interesting things, ideas, innovative products.

Sometimes, I blog about Java, how to perform some programming tasks in Java programming language.

Sometimes, I blog about some interesting startup.

Sometimes, I blog about some ideas which I get, so that I can share with people.

Sometimes, I blog about what I learned in programming languages like Ruby, Erlang etc


I welcome all to please go through my blog and help me to improve my blog. Thanks a lot in advance.

Please provide me any tips on improving blog, reaching audience

Edited 8 years ago
Reason: added tags and edited topic title
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
8 years ago

The site is aligned towards the left rather being centered. The main section should reflect the excerpt and 1 image per post rather than the entire post. Too much scrolling, thanks to that 'list of companies that use JAVA'. 

from Ahmedabad
8 years ago

@Ganesh Site is fine, but you have to change the theme try themes like Point

Try to put at least 2 targeted keywords in your post

Make backlinks for your post

Happy Blogging Smile

The SEO Blogging