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De Clan A family Blog

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
9 years ago

   Many of us hestitate or ponder should we pen a family blog.  I too faced this dilemma considering the fact that we as a joint family are blessed with more less a dozen each sibilings from father and mother's side.  One can imagine their children and grand children one can truely consider it as DE CLAN, signifying a huge numbers i believe the last count being in the vicinity of 75 members and it is growing at faster pace with birth of great grand children.  Maybe my estimate is conservative the size may be nearing 90 s.  Guys i am sure you all too will get some clue s in penning your own family blog and it is really fulfilling, with advent of technology maybe we can embedd skype or newer tools to get in touch as and when we like.... Please guys undertake due diligence and check with the family member and obtain consent before you post photos or pen something on their behalf with a disclaimer added to the blog.