Suggestions and Feature Requests for IndiBlogger

from hyderabad
9 years ago

If you have any suggestions to make IB better or want to see features implemented, post them here. If you have already created a thread for the same, you can post the link here. Laughing

Edited 9 years ago
Reason: -
Replies 1 to 12 of 12 Ascending
from Brisbane
8 years ago

In IndiVine can we not get a subcategory for 'Flash Fiction'?

Srikanth Ramakrishnan
Srikanth Ramakrishnan
from Mumbai
8 years ago

Hi. Sorry to bump an old thread, but I feel this should be implemented.

Renie, could the meta tags:

  be added to all Indivine posts? Indivine posts normally get indexed within minutes of going out, this will help bloggers small time and big time, get their posts indexed faster by Google.
Srikanth Ramakrishnan
from Mumbai
8 years ago

Also, can a mod ad a new line after the closing >? Can't edit my post.

from Mumbai
9 years ago

There should be a list of pending things. A kind of notice board of pending things specially, not just indistatus which contains everything. 



Things Pending:

  • Garnier Hamper Status (90% did not receive)
  • Earth Day Results
  • Singapore results
  • Digital India Prize Distribution 
  • IPhone Lucky Draw


from New Delhi
9 years ago

Badges for previously declared results of various Contests

GenX Nano Drive Voucher Results and distribution

from Assam
9 years ago

And pending badges (I remember reading some ppl waiting for Nissan & Poonaam Uppal contest badges)

from Assam
9 years ago

@Poonam Khanduja: Looks like we thought of the same stuff Smile

from New Delhi
9 years ago


Doesn't IndiStatus do all these things?

from Mumbai
9 years ago

No NSV, it does not mention remaining things. There is no mention of IPhone Lucky Draw on Indistatus. 

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Have a separate section for Vloggers. Have professionally written guides for bloggers and how to  effectively bring quality. Many people come with queries and truth be told a lot of bloggers content that is meant  to address such questions are either badly written, re-written from other sources or outdated steps to begin with. Making guides helps the community base. 

from chennai
9 years ago

When I try to post a comment in the forum topic, initially the comment box shows disabled. If I click the first page again or refresh then the comment box gets enabled.


from hyderabad
9 years ago

Yes! Sometimes, I have to refresh the page multiple times Undecided

from hyderabad
9 years ago


Make IndiTalk dockable on the lower right side of the computer screen so that one can browse IB or other sites / do their work and chat on IndiTalk simultaneously. For the dockable version, add sound alerts for new messages (which should be mutable). Laughing

Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
9 years ago


from hyderabad
9 years ago

Forum Editor

Switch on spellchecker by default. oXBjjYn.png

Auto link URL's in forum posts.

Add syntax highlighting for code snippets,


Kill the "Promote" feature and replace it with an anonymous 5-point rating scale.

Remove that meaningless Forum Heroes list and give that real estate to IndiTalk.

from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
9 years ago

Good suggestion..:)


from hyderabad
9 years ago

Forum Heroes list is located below IndiTalk. So, removing the list has no effect on IndiTalk. IndiTalk would stay at the same position whether or not forum heroes is removed.

Moreover, forum heroes list is shown only on the forum home page, not on all forum pages.

so - kill it and extend the Inditalk window, so you don't have to scroll down to see the context of the conversation that's on...

from hyderabad
9 years ago

Extending the IndiTalk window may not be a good idea. This is how IndiTalk looks on my laptop. You can't extend it by more than 1-2 messages. If you extend it more, then one will have to scroll up to read the recent messages and scroll down to post a chat message.

The last few 5-10 messages provide sufficient context. If you want to read more, then IT Archive ( is better than reading the messages in the chat window itself as the window keeps refreshing and the messages keep moving down as new messages appear even if you are not scrolling.

Amar Naik
Amar Naik
from Ponda/Bangalore
9 years ago

auto update the indipage (color,messages etc) with wishes (birthday, special occasions etc) for each user (based on signin)

from hyderabad
9 years ago

IndiMail - Escape HTML instead of removing it in IndiMails. Sometimes, people ask me for coding help through IndiMail and I have to use some external code snippet sharing service to send the code even if it is just a single line.

from hyderabad
9 years ago


Create an archive page for IndiSpire similar to this one.

Display the name of the blogger who proposed the idea on IndiSpire topic pages. link


Show ‘Report’ button on IndiVine post pages also. link


Add section anchors to replies and comments on forum threads so that one can link to them using URLs of the format /forum/topic.php?id=20293#3479

Provide a mechanism to tag people in forum replies. The ones tagged should be notified of the tag.

from India
9 years ago

Provide a mechanism to tag people in forum replies. The ones tagged should be notified of the tag.

if this is implemented, don't come crying that you get too many notifications because you are being tagged by everyone, since you are rajnipedia. =))

from hyderabad
9 years ago

One should be allowed to block notifications from certain people. Wink

from India
9 years ago

How many people's notifications will you block? and if you have to block notifications, why should you be given notifications in the first place. =))

from hyderabad
9 years ago

I don't mind tagged in threads where the OP is asking for some technical help. We can have on site notifications instead of e mail notifications. If I have been away for a week or two, then I can take a look at the notifications feed instead of going through all the threads. 

When a person A tags B and B has replied to that comment, then the notification should be automatically nulled.


If you plan to check your notifications after a week, it defeats the whole point of tagging Yell

from hyderabad
9 years ago

Better late than never Wink

from hyderabad
9 years ago

If the query is unresolved even after a week, then the OP will be happy that his tag has been taken note of even if it is after one week. Laughing

No queries will be left unanswered after a week. IB has 3 days SLA

from hyderabad
9 years ago

duh :P

from India
9 years ago


Are you sure Sarma?

from hyderabad
9 years ago

Yes, sarma. Are you sure? Tongue out

We dont have to be sure. We just have to make R back off

from hyderabad
9 years ago

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