rueben would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 61

please review my and let me know your thoughts..

from chennai
9 years ago

please visit my blog here:

The blog was founded keeping you in mind to

provide valuable information on the make money

online niche its helping more and more new

comers to benefit from know how of abc of

internet money making ideas which works..

please let me know your thoughts..


Edited 9 years ago
Reason: period
Replies 1 to 3 of 3
from Pune
9 years ago

Hi rueben, I visited first couple of post appearing on home page. I would like to suggest you to increase length of articles. Another problem was reported in the right sidebar of your website. I saw that links appearing in "Make money" section right sidebar widget are not working. Consider fixing it, another thing is the unnecessary visitors widget that appears at the bottom of your blog. It will just increase loading time of your blog.

from chennai
9 years ago

Thank you Nikil for your kind and open review

i will definetly update according to your suggestion..

have a beautiful day.. to you and all my well wishers..

Topic looked old fashion since now a days, do people really believe and read these "make money online" stuff ?? Also website design too looked old fashion..

On the good side, the website loaded fine, although its full of ads but nicely managed..