Hyderabad Friends Do you know about ODE(Print only) magazine

from india
15 years ago

Just received mail from them  ODE(Print only) magazine requesting me to allow them my articles for there print magazine. If you are from  hyderabad do you know about it.

what you suggest  as  before this also i received such requests from few unknown persons and i ignore it .

As a blooger what one should do when we receive such request ?


Edited 15 years ago
Reason: moreaddition
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Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Sm, remember that if they ask you to pay any money.. dont!

Some time back, a member of Indiblogger had reported that some one had contacted her for a similar stuff and ended up being tricked.


from india
15 years ago

thanks hemal.


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