Anti sec movement hacked my blog do you know solution

from india
15 years ago

Today i noticed that when i opend my blog

using opera my 50% right hand side blog showed me

message shown  by anit sec movement.

do you know about this problem and solution. i am searching on google but it seems its releted with imageshack, but no one able to say solution.

if you got time please check my blog can you see properly ?

if you know the solution let me know the solution ?

what is reason you think my blog is hacked ?


Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Ascending
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Jithin, nice work helping out a fellow blogger! Smile


Jithin K.Rajeev
from Kalpakkam
15 years ago

Laughing My Pleasure!

from india
15 years ago

Thanks jiten after your advice i have removed  that widget and it seems ok problem has gone.

so the solution is without any fear guys if you are facing  this problem just log into the

your account and remove the images from

it will not cause any problem to your blog ,comments or adsence.




Jithin K.Rajeev
from Kalpakkam
15 years ago

Sorry again for sounding rude. Glad that I could be of help. Laughing

Jithin K.Rajeev
from Kalpakkam
15 years ago

and the name is JithIn

Jithin K.Rajeev
Jithin K.Rajeev
from Kalpakkam
15 years ago

Well no more that nasty image on your blog in Firefox! How's it in Opera?Foot in mouth


from india
15 years ago

jithen thanks

from india
15 years ago

what is the reason IE does not showing that image hack

and opera shows it

anyways going to remove it. lets see what happens

from india
15 years ago

parv thanks i will keep updating.

now i will go and try to remove that widget.

and keep here info.



from india
15 years ago

jithen thanks i ask here question because i felt its better to know the solution first entering into the blog otherwise it may have cause damage to my account or comments. or data

on the google i didnt found correct information so i ask you thanks for your prompt reply friends.

i will do the needful.

currently my observation is that there is no problem with IE , just once i saw that window with IE browser.

with opera 9.6 and beta ten opera it shows all the time.

image of anti sec .


Jithin K.Rajeev
from Kalpakkam
15 years ago

Am sorry, if I sounded rude buddy. Hope I could help you. The image appeared even on Firefox. In IE I think that widget got disabled. I am on Linux. I never use IE.

Remember, your account was never compromised. This attack on imageshack took place today morning and it affected blogger blogs that used the Floating "Top of Page" Icon Widget, because it used a ImageShack image.

And the fellas and Anti-Sec, replaced that image.

Again, sorry if I sounded rude and arrogant. I should replied with a better reply. Sorry.

Well, hope you are happy to know that your were never attacked and your blogger account is perfectly safe.

Jithin K.Rajeev
Jithin K.Rajeev
from Kalpakkam
15 years ago

Found the widget causing you problem

It's the "Floating Top of Page Icon Widget". Remove that, and your blog should be fine.

Hope that helped.

Jithin K.Rajeev
Jithin K.Rajeev
from Kalpakkam
15 years ago


Be happy. Your blog wasn't HACKED! And don't be proud. Yeah, sorry to disappoint you, no one cared to crack your blog.

And why your blog is looking the way it is? Because some widget you use, is using an image from imageshack image sharing website. Anti-Sec guys had cracked that website and replaced some images.

In your case, an up arrow image was being used by the widget and that got replaced by this image.

Their action at imageshack, trickled down to your blog that's all.


Remove that widget. Which widget? I am not able to figure out it's name. But it moves you to the top of the page. Check your blog's source code, and search for this line

img src=""
from india
15 years ago

But still i am happy felt proud that someon tried to hack my blog.

what you will feel if your blog is hacked.

please let me know soultion if you know it. if i find the soultion i will post it.



Parv Kaushik
from Lucknow, Noida
15 years ago

i dont know the solution but thts awful... update about the situation sm waiting to hear!

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