What's this?
While submitting my posts for Happy Hours I saw a question - Does your post answers a specific question? I wanted to know what's the significance of this question since I guess it's a new addition?
A thread for this already exists - https://www.indiblogger.in/forum/topic.php?id=20320
Please use that thread. Locking this one.
You are absolutely in love with yourself aren't you?
And yes I 'ignored' the last line..
But I wanted to know its significance. What happens if we write the question and what happens if we don't? I mean it wouldn't be placed without a purpose. Hope my question is clearer now.
If your post answers a specific question, you can check the box and enter the question. If not, leave it blank.
- For example - If your post talks about Nexus 6, then your question can be: Should you buy Nexus 6?
- And if your post talks about Tanishq Sharma, it can be: Why is Tanishq Sharma so amazing? :P
P.s Ignore the last line