Upcoming Happy Hours - survey
Folks, we have a HH topic coming up soon, and the brand would like it if you help them with a little survey beforehand! You should see a survey-banner pop out and float about somewhere at the bottom of this thread.
Once you've taken the survey, please don't disclose the name of the brand here! Thanks!
I thought the pop up survey was due to some virus in my laptop lol Just finished it after reading this thread!
Seriously! It asked me so many questions that I actually got irritated lol..
Just took the survey! Intersting topic...waiting for the HH to start!
Completed the survey. After so many questions, the HH voucher better be big! :P
Completed the suvey. Totally looking forward for the happy hour contest on the same :)
No age or gender rules for the HH!
If Indiblogger wants a survey on HH in general then I am more than happy to participate and to suggest improvements.
My suggestion, first and foremost, is to HAVE, Happy Hours. I learned about the current(?) Great Indian Litterbug HH just now, and apparently fewer than 24 hours after it began. Yet, it already has 165 posts for just 100 hampers.
Why have a HH when it is over before it begins?! Indiblogger ought to work with the sponsors to have at least 200-250 prizes, so that more bloggers will be encouraged rather than discouraged to write, and so that it will not be over before it begins.
Thank you @Ranjith... yes, it was adblocker creating this black-out.
Managed to hoodwink adblocker... survey done.
Did it ask everyone just one question?
If your age is within the target group (I think it is something <20-25), then you will be asked many questions. Otherwise, only your age.
no younger ppl did full survey...old ppl got just 1 question :s
Thank you @Ranjith... it was the adblocker creating this survey black-out.
Did manage to answer...
Still searching the link
it'll float on your screen..
it means iPad is not from Apple company but unbranded (made in China) .
Done with the survey
Definitely seems to be age restricted - only for under 19?
T I was 21 when I was taking the survey. Now, I am back to my original age
Just one question and...thankyou....Is survey for teenagers
can we not participate in the happyhour without taking the survey???
You can participate in the HH withour participating in this survey also.
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