New Indi Happy Hour Prompt: "Discover A New You"

Sammya Brata
Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
10 years ago

New Indi Happy Hour prompt is up and only 3 hours to go ;) Rush! Here you go.

Edited 10 years ago
Reason: For convenience
Replies 21 to 40 of 99 Descending
from Lucknow
10 years ago

I saw this contest 40 minutes back and submitted in the first 1.5 minutes. I was number 28!!! Such thrill!! Haha

Ekta Khetan
from Mumbai
10 years ago

How do we know which number are we?

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Ekta just open the Indistatus tab instantly after submitting.

Ekta Khetan
from Mumbai
10 years ago


I did but it may be misleading as I saw status moving from 55 to 66 within few secs. 

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Nobody except Renie knows the exact number Tongue out 

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Mine was the 13th. 13 has turned out to be my lucky number.

Fingers crossed. Smile

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Done it...Cool

Shalini Digvijay
Shalini Digvijay
from Mumbai
10 years ago

I submitted. do you know you were third or thirtieth? ??


Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Mine is a funny post... on how I want to try and use the micromax tab for weight-loss! 

...and managed to be in the first 30 while submitting.


Shubham Nyaik
Shubham Nyaik
from Indore
10 years ago

Submitted under 70.

Lets see what happens. Haven't done proof reading. 

Shalini Digvijay
Shalini Digvijay
from Mumbai
10 years ago

70 done already...we have fast fingers...ww

Ekta Khetan
Ekta Khetan
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Mine link was not opened immediately! It took me multiple page refreshing and restart to get the submission link visible..Phew!

Preeti Chauhan
Preeti Chauhan
from Delhi
10 years ago

I should get the award for being a tubelight , Last time for 200 posts i submitted at 200 ,this time for 70 entries I was at 71 !!!

Not my  fault though I clicked IB at 630 pm and  found that we had a new HH contest. No mail IB ?? What's going on ? Surprised

Ashis Dubey
Ashis Dubey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Managed to submit as 67th / 68th entry...

Still feeling releived as I saw this contest when 25 minutes were left.

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

How does one read the posts that others have written? I mean, where is the listing for this particular 'happy hours'?

You can only read the posts after the moderation in the Gadegets tab of Indivine

Sammya Brata
Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
10 years ago

Honestly speaking, I'm surprised.. I expected the slots to be filled within the first 2 mins. Didn't's denting into Indi Happy Hours' reputation. Tsk tsk Cool

Kidding...glad that I didn't go out with my friends tonight, didn't give in to the spirit of 'alcoholism' and (perhaps) gained in effect ;)

And, only 4 more entries than the number of vouchers

Preeti Chauhan
from Delhi
10 years ago

I guess it is because this time I  at least did not receive any notification about fresh HH .I just accidentally saw it .Maybe same thing has happened with others too .

from hyderabad
10 years ago


Preeti Chauhan
Preeti Chauhan
from Delhi
10 years ago

I guess everybody wants to party today , not many are in the mood to write for HH .

Tongue out

Preeti Chauhan
Preeti Chauhan
from Delhi
10 years ago

HH does not feel the same without the rush for submission ....

Preeti Chauhan
Preeti Chauhan
from Delhi
10 years ago

Without the mad rush ,HH does not feel the same ...

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Posted while getting ready for the evening... And clocked in under 45... Happy...

Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
10 years ago

Post a selfie :P

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Will post Smile?

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Sammy...check my insta...

from hyderabad
10 years ago

85th entry :((

Postponed dinner for writing this post. Foot in mouth

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Add atleast 15 more vouchers Money mouth

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Please make it total 100 or 150 vouchers Smile. It is just because of some more poor guys like me will come in the late night (except today due to HNY) when 70 entries overWink.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

But I fear that this time my entry might get rejected (even if they increase the vouchers). I have no idea of what rubbish I wrote! Undecided

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Don't worry, most of them would have written as you stated only Laughing.

from hyderabad
10 years ago


Vaishnavie K
Vaishnavie K
from Chennai
10 years ago

Saw it too late! 

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