Locked Gadget wish list for 2015

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

We all have gadgets... though we are free to love or hate them. We are just as free to dream of having more as we are to wish to give them all away.

Let us see what the gadget wish of bloggers for 2015 is... this just might reveal some interesting facts.


Replies 41 to 54 of 54 Descending
from New Delhi
10 years ago

I think someone said that we should update our purchases also, so here it goes...I decided on buying Nikon D3200 and it got delivered yesterday. Thanks everyone who helped me choose.  (You can check the update on twitter)

I think writing it over here, motivated me towards buying it. I think I should write more things now as the whole year is still left. So, as Arvind sir suggested -

My next purchase would be a lens, 55-200 mm or 70-300mm. 

Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Good lenses they are... but do consider a 50mm prime lens too. I use a prime lens most often.

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Pics or it didn't happen. Come on guys, show it off already! 

Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

How about showing us pics of the gadgets you've bought. :)

Shivam Ratnani
Shivam Ratnani
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Had 1 (achievable) item on my buy-list. :P

Bought it this week; The Amazon Kindle Basic. Hopefully this helps me read more fluently! 

Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Well, I feel reading happens best with the good ol' paperback in your hands. :)

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

A couplet for all gadget lovers:

These gadgets will go on tempting me, I know

But I wish this fascination to only grow!


Just read about the Nixie to help one take a full-length selfie!

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

I wish some post of mine wins me a bicycle with gears... 

from Bangalore
10 years ago

to reduce weight?Smile

from Bangalore
9 years ago

Flashback... :D recalling it :D :P.

from chennai
9 years ago

Apple Mac Book Pro 15" Retina


Amazon Kindle white 

OK. I checked this thread thank to Katie, and guess what I wanted a Desktop(I had to go back and search what I wanted) and I bought it. So it's a strike. Tongue out

from India
9 years ago

So, thought to go back to my gadget wishlist for the year almost gone by, to see what all I covered:

My gadget wishes are weirdest of them all.

A good enough 4G smartphone will do. I don't yet know if there are any available, here in India.

A Canon/Nikon dSLR, pro ones if possible, if not then the EOS 600D with some 18-300mm lens kits, a 50mm prime and a couple of macro lenses will do.

A couple of 250 watt Solar Panels, solar charge controller, changeover switches and a couple of other stuff for my planned Hybrid-solar power project for my home.

A 14/15" Alienware.

Cars and bikes, do they come under gadgets :-/

A good enough 4G smartphone will do. I don't yet know if there are any available, here in India. [Yet to buy, 4G has long been launched and I am stuck with the 3 year old 3G phone]

A Canon/Nikon dSLR, pro ones if possible, if not then the EOS 600D with some 18-300mm lens kits, a 50mm prime and a couple of macro lenses will do. [Finally settled down with a Nikon D5200 with 18-55mm lens kit]

A couple of 250 watt Solar Panels, solar charge controller, changeover switches and a couple of other stuff for my planned Hybrid-solar power project for my home. [Work on this one is almost complete, but yes, I am yet to buy the stuff mentioned here. Looking to buy them in a month or two in 2016]

A 14/15" Alienware. [Not happening! Was I drunk? Undecided. Oh sorry, I don't drink. Tongue out]

Cars and bikes, do they come under gadgets :-/ [No one answered this question so nothing in here.]

Oh, I forgot a 65-75" 4K LED TV, a Timex Expedition or a Casio Edifice wrist watch :P [Still waiting for the prices to drop. Innocent]

A 65-75" 4K LED TV? Are u serious? costs more than 2L

from India
9 years ago

Yeah, that's why waiting for the prices to drop.Tongue out

And, that, BTW is the gadget wishlist for 2015.

from Bangalore
9 years ago

My Wishlist would consist of :

1. 60D Canon Camera

2. MAC Book AIr

3. Gopro Camera

That is a all ! Is there a santa anywhere *wink* *wink*

from Bangalore
9 years ago

So Camera's on list for sure !! For everyone !!

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago
from India
9 years ago

IK guess this is still the wishlist for 2015. Gadget wishlist for 2016 has not come up yet. I was just reviewing my last year's wishlist, to see what I got, what I will be taking forward to the next year's list and what I will be dropping, like the alienware, from last year's list. =))

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Done! Gadget Wishlist for 2016 is now created! 




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