Hits & views: Wordpress ignores all Blogger visitors?

Dr Sweety Shinde
Dr Sweety Shinde
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Wordpress tech help admitted that Wordpress does not count Google Blogger visitors as 'hits' or 'views' unless they subscribe to the blog.

They are not counted even if they post a comment.

So how can Wordpress blog give an accurate data of actual vistors (wordpress & non-wordpress) to my blog?


Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Ascending
Dr Sweety Shinde
Dr Sweety Shinde
from Mumbai
9 years ago

OK, Thank you.

Dr Sweety Shinde
Dr Sweety Shinde
from Mumbai
9 years ago


Yes, I meant those withxxxxx.blogspot.com link as Google Bloggers.

Even my followers get categorized only as 1. Wordpress followers 2. Facebook followers 3. Twitter followers.

Blogger followers do not get added to the stats.

The replies came from wordpress support forums.


from hyderabad
9 years ago

That is obvious Foot in mouth 

Consider IndiBlogger.in which has the concept of adding bloggers to your network. You can consider people who added you in their network as your followers. Can Wordpress.com show this info in its stats? No. Can IB show your wp.com followers in its stats? No. Why? Because both are two completely different sites. Neither of the sites have access to the data on the other site.

Same is the case with Blogger.com and wp.com. Blogs on blogger use either Google Friend Connect or Google+ (or fb or twitter) to connect with their readers (followers). While wp.com has its own system of followers.


from hyderabad
9 years ago

Wordpress tech help admitted [...]

Where? In some help forum? Can you share the link.

I visited my own blog in incognito mode and saw if my visitors count increased. It did. 

What do you mean by Google Blogger visitor?

Hunky @ NexGenBikes.com
from Kolkata
9 years ago

What do you mean by Google Blogger visitor?


What is Google Blogger Visitor ??

Radhika Mundra
from Jodhpur
9 years ago

She means those who use blogger and not wordpress. 

from hyderabad
9 years ago

How will wordpress know whether you use blogger or wordpress? Innocent

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