New IndiVine Contest: YES or NO to Pre-Martial Sex

from Delhi
9 years ago

A new contest has been launched. 


Replies 141 to 160 of 203 Descending
from Bangalore
9 years ago

So you people are actually reading the book? I'm using mine as a door stopper :P

I would too, if I had a copy, but I don't so I can't. Laughing

I tried reading the book. Well, sometimes we do make mistakes! Though the reviewers on Flipkart have been fulsome in their praise of the book.But what about the results? I don't have the remotest chance as I actually raised my voice in opposite to what she tried to preach, but still, I'm eager to take a look at the winning posts.Wink

"tried", eh? I "tried" reading the 2 chapters on Goodreads and can't understand how anyone can find it readable. I'm flawed, I think.

Ajesh, it was a deadly mistake! But I remained unsuccessful in my 'try', though I tried earnestly. Perhaps my grey cells are not competent enough to fathom the depth of the book. My bad!

from Bangalore
9 years ago

I don't have the remotest chance as I actually raised my voice in opposite to what she tried to preach

Most of them have written and posted likewise Tongue out, so you have company!

Amit Pattnaik
Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
9 years ago

Main jab badaa ho jaaungaa, tab padhungaa =)) 

By the way, I didn't participate in the contest, hence never got the book. So when I do grow up, where should I search to get the book? Raddiwala? :))

from hyderabad
9 years ago

Right now, are you in LKG or UKG? 

Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
9 years ago

@Ranjith, I shall be taking admission in Pre-nursery this year (hopefully) :))

from hyderabad
9 years ago

Best wishes for your admission. dhyaan see jaana aur answer karna Tongue out

Amit Pattnaik
from New Delhi
9 years ago

:)) Thank you Ranjith.. I have been preparing hard for the admission exam actually, I have been religiously practicing riding my Tobu cycle, so that if they ask me to show my cycle skills, I should be able to impress them :))

from Bangalore
9 years ago

Plus Tobu cycle wheeling image/project Wink

from Bangalore
9 years ago

As per FB update, she is trying new spinach juice recipe...After drinking gallons of spinach juice, after she finds benifit of driniking juice..she will update about it on FB...then she will announce the results itseems....

Glad I didnt take part in it...

from Bangalore
9 years ago

Is there any connection or anything to do author with Spinach juice recipe (for her energy) vs title book secret Tongue outInnocent:))

Her next book will be "Spinach juice - Yes or No? My journey to the truth"
from Bangalore
9 years ago

Ajesh, you may be forgot to add 'Pre' or 'Post' for the title Tongue out Pre-Spinach juice - Yes or No? - Are you for it or against it Wink (My journey to the Juice).

from hyderabad
9 years ago

I can't imagine what will happen to her if she reads this thread! Innocent

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
9 years ago


from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
9 years ago

We will all say that Ranjith asked us to say all this....Tongue out:)):))

from Bangalore
9 years ago

+1000 Baba...:))

from hyderabad
9 years ago

I didn't Innocent

from Bangalore
9 years ago

Objection your honor....R did it Foot in mouth

from hyderabad
9 years ago Tongue out

from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
9 years ago


from Bangalore
9 years ago

:))...ROFL :))

from Bangalore
9 years ago

R, is the same author's photo that reflects on the above given website link? Innocent

Arvind Passey
from Delhi
9 years ago

Who is Poona Muppal?


from Bangalore
9 years ago

She is from Pune but living in the US Tongue out

Arunima Basu
Arunima Basu
from Mumbai
9 years ago

You guys rock! Laughing

from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
9 years ago

Thanks Arunima.. I rock i know and all these are rocks you know... Tongue out:)):)):))

from Bangalore
9 years ago

but Poonam will get shock Laughing

from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
9 years ago

as time Tick Tocks... Laughing

Shruthi Nayak
Shruthi Nayak
from Manipal
9 years ago

Results declared.. First prize is her book, oh second too and even third!!!! I have not received the book yet and you guys are talking about prizes :) lol

from Bangalore
9 years ago

First prize is her book, oh second too and even third!

One way you are very lucky that you didn't received the book :)) and you are the winner of the contest Money mouth.

from Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra
9 years ago

Shruthi is the undisputed winner since she has not got the book.....

Guys...that was the Prize.. Tongue out

Shruthi Nayak
Shruthi Nayak
from Manipal
9 years ago

Lol.. i feel blessed.. at least in this way i have won a competition.. :)

from Bangalore
9 years ago

So, we will recommend you to be a winner, officially :)).

Arunima Basu
Arunima Basu
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Hahaha!Your comments helped a lot to greduce my frustrations on Poonam :p 

spinach juice!!Laughing ROFL

Ankita and Mohit
Ankita and Mohit
from Bonn
9 years ago

Haha enjoyed reading this thread and glad I didn't participate! Had an idea that a book with such a naive plotline would be pretty unreadable. And one has to be careful not to dilute the quality of content on one's blog. No point sacrificing repute for prizes that you probably won't get anyway!

Arunima Basu
Arunima Basu
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Sorry for typo and the error!

Ankita:I second you!

Hafeezur:I suppose maximum participants did that!

I am shocked that she is promoting such horrible things in FB!My god even in 2015,she wants our country to move towards regression!This is why people need to educate themselves first before writing a novel!She should have spinach juice rather than writing and that she realized after reading our blogpost;hence no update for the prizes !Yell


from Bangalore
9 years ago


May be she was in a different mood at that time Tongue out.

Ok for Spinach....what about Panneer then?Innocent Next recipe? or back to same one?

(Note: This thread and FB page might gives her more popularity and benefits Money mouthMoney mouthMoney mouth)

Arunima Basu
Arunima Basu
from Mumbai
9 years ago


Shruthi Nayak
Shruthi Nayak
from Manipal
9 years ago

Few months ago (or years ??? ) we were.promoting her book wasting our time and blog space.. and now we are all complaining... funny part is i don't even remember the prizes...more over whiners are not the winners ;) ;) ;) 

from Bangalore
9 years ago

Still doing the same :))

from Bangalore
9 years ago

I am worried for Spinach situation now Tongue out bechara Spinach...


Menaka Bharathi
Menaka Bharathi
from Raipur
9 years ago

really nice thread!! couldn't stop reading, good that I did not see this contest at the first place, I would not have been this enlightened then!!!

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
9 years ago

I think Poona Muppal (Oops! It is Poonam Uppal) will be able to write another tome based on the comments in this thread. :)

from Bangalore
9 years ago

She will definitely see and sign/autograph finally over here, at the end Wink.

from Mumbai
9 years ago

Looks like I had done some good deeds, I didn't take part in this competition :P

from Bangalore
9 years ago

Forget the other good deeds done in the past. You didn't take part in this competition itself a good deeds Tongue out.

from New Delhi
9 years ago

1. I wrote for this contest and I will keep writing for the ones which I like. Prizes are definitely good but becoming crazy for them is not right. I think for personal feelings Indichat or social media is a better place.

2. I don't think this forum is made so that everyone who didn't take part in this could come and write it here that they did a great thing by not participating in this one. With thousands of bloggers in IB,  just think how chaotic the scene will become if everybody post that they haven't participated. Further, people who have written for it are misled that there is an update. 

3. Most importantly, I read many comments bragging that such a great thing they did by not participating in this one. By doing this you are making fun (insulting) of the people who have put so much effort in writing for this one.

# I love Indiforum, I have said this many times and will always speak my mind out to keep it in good shape. If you are a Indihero, there is an added responsibilty to keep this forum properly working. Useless comments are smileys can be reduced. 

from Mumbai
9 years ago

Sorry Gaurab, it was in good humor that i meant. "I did not participate" will not make fun of others, even they themselves regret doing it baba! :D

from New Delhi
9 years ago

Tanishq I know you wrote it for creating humor but it will be really nice if you use the chat, everyday after work I used to open the tread and find someone writing the same thing or some joke. I think you will also understand the purpose of this forum and will see it from my side. It's annoying to open the thread and find these comments. Innocent


from Mumbai
9 years ago

Sorry, will make sure this does not happen in long term frustrated contests :)

from Bangalore
9 years ago

1. We use Indichat and social media beside IndiForum too

2. There is no hard rule that the one who have not participated in the contest shall not post/use the relevant thread. No comment, however since I have participated in this.

3. It is not insulting to others but self. It is just because of most of them won't win in the contest but let them at least have fun and happy over here for a while.

4. We can speak and state our opinion too despite some likes and some not. Thanks for your advice.

from Mumbai
9 years ago

:'( What should I say - thankyou or sorry? :'(

from New Delhi
9 years ago

Public order is always an implied rule. Nobody is going to punish you but forum is a place which everybody uses and hence a basic order is needed. Innocent

from Mumbai
9 years ago

I understand what you must be feeling Gaurab - Melbourne's result was the same story. Whenever someone posted something in forum, it felt like update has come.

from Bangalore
9 years ago

It is not looking like public order but private order Tongue out. We know very well about discipline. Thanks

from New Delhi
9 years ago

Yes, Tanishq. I think if one does it in other threads except the contest ones it is still good as it doesn't affect others much. Smile

from Mumbai
9 years ago

I agree with Gaurab. Chatting is not allowed on the forum abut still some bloggers keep chatting here instead of on the inditalk.

The IP then has to delete the useless comments.

from hyderabad
9 years ago

Yes, pretty useless chatting going on over here - Innocent

from Bangalore
9 years ago

R, this thread is far better than the one you gave link :)) (first time I saw that thread). That thread continued for 3+ years...Innocent.

IB, give us the same chance once again Wink Tongue out.

from Mumbai
9 years ago

@ Ranjith - That thread is meant for chatting and the thread was created more than 4 years ago just when the forum was just launched. There was no Inditalk back then and bloggers did not chat in all the threads like some do now. And there was no rule regarding chatting back then (that is an iconic thread but it was still moved to general and off category since the rules did not allow for chatting in the main forum).

from Mumbai
9 years ago

@ Hafeezur  - The rules are clear that no chatting is allowed in the main forum. You can do so in Inditalk. There is no use of posting random smilies and replies everywhere, does not help anyone, does not make the forum a place where you want to be and only litters the place.

from Mumbai
9 years ago

Empty - commented at a new reply at the end of forum.

What is the expected prize for this contest?
Ragini Puri
from New Delhi/Ludhiana
9 years ago

5 copies of Part 2 of the magnum opus. And also an opportunity to writes its Foreword.P.S. Sorry Gaurab. Tongue out Sealed

Ragini Puri
from New Delhi/Ludhiana
9 years ago

Jeez. Internet trouble just when I was editing the thread.

Prize is - an oppurtunity to write the Foreword of Part 2 of the magnum opus. And also 5 complimentary copies of the new book.

Gaurab - Humka maafi dayi deyo. Sealed

from hyderabad
9 years ago

from New Delhi
9 years ago

Ragini - Tongue out Tongue outTongue out 

Coming to this thread so many times and not seeing the result was annoying. Glad that you at least didn't write "Thanks I didn't take part in this one"Foot in mouth 

from New Delhi
9 years ago

Result or at least an update should be there. Smile

Chandresh Jain
from Delhi
9 years ago

Expected ?? :) 

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