Welcome! First time here? Please read the rules of the forum

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago

IndiBloggers! Now that we finally have our discussion forum for Indian bloggers up and running, here's what you need to know:

  • Flaming is not allowed. If you're unfamiliar with the term, please note that we are not talking about lighting yourself on fire. For a definition of what flaming is, go here.
  • Please respect other bloggers on the forum, keeping in mind that they have a right to an opinion as much as you do.
  • This forum is aimed at a general audience. Posting pornographic or generally offensive text, images, links, etc. will be frowned upon, and we may tell your mother about you.
  • No advertising, and no spamming. Of course, you may promote your own blog, but only in the "Review My Blog" category. Please don't promote your own products and services unless it's relevant to Indian bloggers. For example - you may promote a widget that you developed, but you will not be allowed to promote styling gel, no matter how good it makes you look.
  • We request all bloggers with experience to patiently help newbies in the "Blogging Beginners" category.
  • Since we've seen many forums with features that users don't need or don't understand, we have launched this forum in a barebones format. We'll add features as and when the need is felt - so please send in suggestions and bug fixes!
  • Please refrain from any obscene dance movements on this forum, as our server is easily distracted.

Enjoy, and remember - we love feedback! Smile



UPDATE: Please read these threads as well:

Shameless Self Promotion hurts You and IndiBlogger

Beginner's guide for new members

IndiForum Community Guidelines

 Looking for guest posts or want to write one? Post here!! 

Moderator's message:

Whether you read the rules or not, whether its first time violation or not, moderation is equal for everyone. Excessive spammers who disregard mod warnings (deleting the thread itself is a clue that it's violating the rules) will eventually be banned. If you're banned. you lose access to Indiblogger and therefore lose access to meets, contests and lots more! :(. Community works with the community takes care of their own access. 



Replies 1 to 20 of 150 Descending
from kolkata
16 years ago
great to see the much awaited forum (: Merry Christmas !!
Amitabh Mukherjee
Amitabh Mukherjee
from Bangalore
16 years ago
I really hope this forum takes off. This was sorely required by serious bloggers. I would request all not to just leave their blog id. That we can see by clicking on your names of your reply. Please add value. I can tell you that people would visit your site more often on the basis of your contribution to this forum. For example, in this thread I have visited Leon but not the others. Let us make this a success. Cheers!
from jabalpur
16 years ago
happy Christmas happy day every moment glad & gay lots of luck & lasting cheer followed by abright New year. sanjivsalil.blogspot.com / sanjivsalil.blog.co.in
from Mysore
16 years ago
Already our Dhaka friend has started posting useless material in reply to this post. It is better if all the replies can be moderated for some time and offer entry only to those who are genuine in their postings.
you may promote your own blog, but only in the "Review My Blog" category
This also needs to be monitored closely. otherwise each one would like to start a thread for his /her blog :(
Jaydip Parikh
Jaydip Parikh
from Ahmedabad
16 years ago
I do agree with Kabeeranban about Mr. Dhaka. Anyways this very gr8 initiative taken by indiblogger.in Gr8. Keep it up.
Vineet Rajan
Vineet Rajan
from Mumbai
16 years ago
renie, i can already see spamming of the forum with the first 2-3 links. ;)
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago
@Kabeeranban - Our Dhaka friend's links have been removed and he will be warned. :-) Will be putting in a couple of updates today to deter this kind of thing - we need to maintain a bit of class on this forum. @Vineet - working on it, buddy! - Merry Christmas, everyone!
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago
@Kabeeranban - I like your idea. Also - perhaps users can only post topics after they have posted at least 3 replies to other's topics? Sort of a "prove you're willing to help others before you ask for help" kind of thing?
from chennai
16 years ago
good ... this should make the site more interactive :) all the best guys
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago
All of you - thank you, we're super-happy with the response! You've made all the work we put into this more than worth it!
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago
A couple of updates - now you get email alerts whenever someone replies to a thread you post. (You can also unsubscribe from that thread) And for you chaps who have participated so much - we've put up a list of the most active bloggers (in terms of replies) on the home page.
Shanker Bakshi
Shanker Bakshi
from Gurgaon
16 years ago

Great Move renie - All the best with Forum

from Bangalore
16 years ago

Awesome to see a forum on IndiBlogger guys. This was much waited for. Do keep it abreast with more content and support from us.

Naveen Bachwani
Naveen Bachwani
from Mumbai
16 years ago

This is a great idea!  Thanks, Team Indiblogger.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago

@Suneel, Shanker & Naveen - thanks!

@Naveen - how's the book selling?

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago

@Hemanth - a warm welcome to you! Smile

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago

Thank you, Indian Bloggers for making this forum a success. We have posted a special thank you on our blog, read it here.

from Singapore
16 years ago

I am here for the first time.Its great to see a forum too...very useful for the beginners like me. Thaaaanks! :)

from Chennai
16 years ago

Woohoo! Viva indiBlogger! :)

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
16 years ago

Guys, we need more bloggers to participate - let's start blogging about this forum!

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