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PLease review my food blog .Eventhough its a year old i feel like having an expe

from jersey city
10 years ago

I am having a food blog for year now .I feel it has some faults to it So that people are not visiting very often .What can i do about it ?


Replies 1 to 5 of 5
from jersey city
10 years ago

Any body out there to help me? 

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hi Sathya,

I am here! Smile

Speaking about your blog, here a few points I observed:


  • Pictures and presentation is excellent and tempt me to dig in the dishes right away!
  • The cooking tips part is a work well done. It helps a lot to whoever is trying out the dishes through your recipe.
  • Blog template is neat and the white background ensures that the food pictures get prominence on the page.

Things you could work on:

  • Font: The font size of the title is small when compared to the font size of the blog post. Decrease the size of the font in the post accordingly.
  • The bright pink color of the title does not gel well with the layout. Something like a red (dark, not very bright) would look better and more professional.
  • Ads: Too many on the page, distracts a visitor I feel. May be that's the reason people are not visiting often? Reduce their frequency, the main priority should be retaining genuine visitors that come your way.
  • Network with your community, food bloggers either via FB or blogs. Food Blogging is big in India and I am sure you will find a lot of help, knowledge and visitors there.

That's it for now, rest looks good to me; I hope this helps! Happy Blogging!! Smile

from jersey city
10 years ago

Hi arti ,

Thanks for your review .I have done few changes as you suggested .Will change pink color and increase the width very soon.If you happen to see my blog again .Tell ur opinion.Thanks again.

Ami (Yearful of Sundays)
Ami (Yearful of Sundays)
from Delhi
10 years ago

Hi Sathya,

I find your content and pictures excellent! I'm surpised you don't have more followers because the recipes look well explained and the pics are fantastic.

A few observations/suggestions:

  • First thing: Change the banner (logo on top of the page). Because it's probably a low-resolution JPEG pic, it looks pixelated and not very inspiring. A lot of people who randomly surf blogs give only a few seconds' look before going away - so I imagine a layout and banner matter a lot. Your pics are so great, so maybe you can make a new banner out of a collage of your pics. Or even a single nice-looking dish with your blog's name written in one corner would do.
  • Static welcome page: Have you considered having a static welcome page with lots of tempting pics (since that looks like the USP of your blog at first glance) and a category-wise listing of the most popular / unusual dishes? My point is: in the current layout, suppose the visitor doesn't like the most recent recipe (e.g. I personally liked the 'arbi' guest post less than your other posts) then he/she will just go away to another food blog and not bother to scroll down much. If you have a static welcome page, you can choose to put some of your best recipes there which may interest and draw in the reader.
  • Customized food menus: Having customized categories displayed on your blog or on a static welcome page (if you choose to go for one) is a good way of catching the attention of visitors who may like having ready-made lists for them to go through. I mean you can go through all your recipes and categorise them into custom categories - Healthy Breakfast, Spicy Curries, Unique Rice Dishes, etc. - which would give a lot of options to the visitor on the first page itself, and may hold their attention for a longer time.
  • Font: I personally prefer smaller fonts since they don't seem to be jumping out of the screen at you. While yours isn't very big, maybe making the font size one point smaller will make it look more compact and presentable.

Apart from that, maybe you could consider having a Facebook page for your blog, and participate in other foodie groups or blog-exchanges to get more visitors. Honestly, I can't say much about this because my own new blog doesn't get too much attention, lol!

Good luck!

from jersey city
10 years ago

Thanks Yearful sundays .

Thats a detailed comment .Def these are great inputs for me .Will consider doing One by one ...

Yeah i am getting to know one by one now a days .If you want any help .Just let me know