Diwali Gift from IndiBlogger - Happy Hours

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Wow! New concept from IndiBlogger! Check topics under Indivine and win gift vouchers :)

https://www.indiblogger.in/happyhours/diwali-a-time-for-family/ (Closed)


NEW TOPIC and this time it's blogging for a brilliant cause: https://www.indiblogger.in/happyhours/toilet-for-babli/

Edited 10 years ago
Reason: Real Time
Replies 1 to 20 of 189 Ascending
from Mumbai
9 years ago

Submitted for the Dabur Happy Hour!!

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Post written. Voucher received. Money spent. Diwali long over.

We now wait for some vibrant new contest/s!

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I am waiting for more 'Anand hours' Money mouth

from Bangalore
10 years ago

And me, after a month since the campaign was launched, wrote an entry yesterday, n got my Happy Hours voucher just now..

Thank you Indiblogger and Dabur


from hyderabad
10 years ago

Even I wrote dabur post 2-3 days ago and got the voucher Cool

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Congrats Ranjith Smile

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Got my voucher for Dabur Cool

from New Delhi
10 years ago
@ Those who have been receiving the vouchers, What vouchers are these? Flipkart?
from hyderabad
10 years ago

Yes, Flipkart vouchers.

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I didn't get the voucher for Dabur. Undecided

from hyderabad
10 years ago

@ Renie Some error on IndiStatus page? http://prntscr.com/57kpbw 

Ragini Puri
Ragini Puri
from New Delhi/Ludhiana
10 years ago

=)) =))  

from hyderabad
10 years ago

You posted the smileys at the wrong place. =))

Ragini Puri
from New Delhi/Ludhiana
10 years ago

Khi khi khi...still better than promoting harpic instead of Domex. Tongue out Laughing =))

One more line in this banter, and rest assured IndiAdmins would swoop in and ask us to shut up Sealed =))

from hyderabad
10 years ago

@ Renie On the IndiStatus page, along with the entries count, can we have a count of the valid entries?

( valid = total number of entries - entries declared invalid )

This will give us an idea of the number of vouchers left. For example, dabur shows 44 voucher left but 428 entries have been already submitted. So, 72 entries were invalid or are they still in moderation ?

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Submitted for Dabur, harpic, and porcelein. Hope to earn Rs 2,500 by the end of the day. Money mouth

why 500? not 3k in all?

Ragini Puri
from New Delhi/Ludhiana
10 years ago

Ranjith - It's Domex! Are you promoting the rival brand! Laughing Money mouth

IndiAdmins - Please check...lol Tongue out Sealed

from hyderabad
10 years ago

NSV For porcelain, they are giving Rs 500 voucher and not 1k voucher.

Ragini SurprisedFoot in mouth Domex or Harpic, it all goes down the drain =)) 

Bushra M
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Domex+Porce= 1.5k how come you are hoping for 2.5K @R? Explain plz!

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Bushra I submitted for Dabur also. (I will probably be the last one to submit)

from New Delhi
10 years ago
Porce + domex + parachute = 2.5k Lets hope
Piyush Golani
Piyush Golani
from Ahmedabad
10 years ago


I wrote the post yesterday and got he message that my post does not comply their requirement. I asked for the particular requirement problem to them. But as you all know they don't reply to anyone.

Here it is my post and I think it statisfies all the rules and regulation they wrote.


can anybody just check this post and tell me the problem.

and I think they do allow the resubmission of the same post. which they denied to accept before due to some error. So, once we statisfy their criteria they do allow us to summit the same link again ? what you think ?

Thank you !

from hyderabad
10 years ago

I think your post doesn't satify the following requirement:

Your entry should [...] be free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.


Sammya Brata
Sammya Brata
from Kolkata
10 years ago

I don't think Renie reads all our forum posts. I had put forward a suggestion to reopen the submission link for the ones who's first entries have been rejected. Replies go un-noticed. Sigh.

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Thanks a lot IndiBlogger and Dabur. Received my GV within a day.

Congrats to all

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

It appears that not many bloggers are interested in writing on 'A healthy child makes a happy home'...

Is it becaue there is just 1K reward here and there was a 2K reward for the other topic?

Or is it because this topic needs a bit more of research and the other one was perceived as an easy one?


from hyderabad
10 years ago

417 people have submitted their till now? Is 417 less? Tongue out

For Diwali, there were only 100 vouchers, so they got over faster. For Dabur, there are 400 vouchers.

Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

There are thousands of bloggers registered on indiblogger, therefore, both 100 and 400 are insignificant numbers... what is of concern is that even when there is an assured 1k voucher, people are ambling along, and this leaves an impression that the topic was either difficult or not so warmly welcomed.


I think most bloggers dont want to write about kids. 

from hyderabad
10 years ago

There are 30 - 35k bloggers but not all of them participate in contests.

For example, even Borosil has assured 1k voucher for every entry but the participation was not in thousands.

May be when I have time, I can write a program to find the number of bloggers who have participated in at least one contest. Money mouth


Ragini Puri
from New Delhi/Ludhiana
10 years ago

Yes @Ranjith - A huge majority of bloggers here on IB actually don't participate in contests. And 400+ entries for this one is pretty good, if we compare it with other recent contests. And I believe instant gratification is one reason why this one saw decent participation, besides the topic.

Bhargav Kesavan
Bhargav Kesavan
from New York City
10 years ago

Thank you IB & Dabur for the Happy Hour voucher! :)

Your way of encouraging bloggers is highly appreciable! Smile

from Mumbai
10 years ago

For me it was surprise I submitted it on Monday Evening around 6:00 & got the voucher within 3 hrs ....

This is what we expect in general & kudos to IB & Dabur for such a quick moderation (I must say it require real hard work at backend )....Cool

from Bangalore
10 years ago

Dear all, I posted campaign topic 2 days before (Saturday night), I am very pleased to inform all of you that I got Indi Happy Hours' Voucher just 2 hours before. Thanks to IB, Dabur and Bloggers. Laughing

from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hi all finally put an entry to this while working at office ....can anyone confirm how long it take to moderate the entry .

How you get confrimation weather your entry is approved or rejected .I  can see one entry as mine in dashboard out of 391 total entries ,but still can't seen anything under my Indivine posts .

any one from IB can put some light on this process ,I can see similar question above but no clear response .Laughing

Partha Sadhukhan
Partha Sadhukhan
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hi Inditeam, the current campaign has got only 133 unique bloggers who won the prizes. Can we have a new theme for rest of the prizes? May be this time it can be for Chrismas..no contest to write for, so getting bored..

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
10 years ago

133 are remaining vouchers

from hyderabad
10 years ago

393 have submitted 326 of them have already got their vouchers. The others will probably get them very soon. So, it is just 7 vouchers that are remaining. (And I hope one voucher remains till I submit my entry Tongue out)

Rajni sinha
Rajni sinha
from nagpur
10 years ago

will we be having  a new topic for Happy Hours in the future 

Naga Chokkanathan
Naga Chokkanathan
from Bangalore
10 years ago


I posted in https://www.indiblogger.in/happyhours/dabur-healthy-child-happy-home/ yesterday, But I don't see my post anywhere / didn't hear anything from IndiBlogger team yet. Where can I check this? Please let me know. Thank you!

from hyderabad
10 years ago

Entries are still hidden. Wait for 3-4 days to receive the voucher. If you still don't get the voucher, you can contact here : https://www.indiblogger.in/contact/

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