Looking for freelance writers specialized in technology blogging

Amarendra Bandla
Amarendra Bandla
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Mods: Please remove this post if it is against rules. 

Pay: 5,000 per month.

Rule 1 : minimum of 1 post per day and when calculated over a month, daily average should be 3. 

Rule 2 : No copy/paste, no rumors. If you are going to post a product launch news article, there should be "Official statement" from the product maker about the product. Content posted on the site should not be posted elsewhere (blogs, sites, comments, forums etc)

Rule 3 : News, reviews, previews, guides, articles, recommendation lists, analysis posts etc are allowed (gadgets, games, software)

Contact : twitter.com/gadgetdetail or mail to gadgetdetail@gmail.com 



Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Ascending
Amarendra Bandla
Amarendra Bandla
from Bangalore
10 years ago


For every post related to money, there will be a guy who acts as if he is representing the whole blogosphere. Have some respect to atlest ask 'why only 5,000/-. Is that including weekends?' But no, straightaway start doing penny pinching cheap tricks. If you want to do low balling, please go elsewhere. There are lot of markets in your city where you can do this low balling all day long without buying anything. 

The site I manage is not generating much revenue. The 5,000/- per month is starting pay and as revenue increases, the pay goes up. How many sites that are owned by individuals are paying heavy amont for articles. You are calculating per article but I am looking at the amount per month. I can say that, at, just 70 paise per 10ml, petrol is extremely cheap! I am not the son of Ambani to pay thousands per article. Please grow up. If you cannot, atleast mind your own business!

from Mumbai
10 years ago
Bro, I can fully understand the low pay and know that even some big sites do not pay for writing posts on their site. But what you want is almost seeming like a full time job (bloggers hardly post a few articles on their own blog each month), that minimum of 90 articles a month catch is just something that I cannot fathom! Anyways, I did not mean to demean you! All the best.
from Mumbai
10 years ago
When calculated over a month the daily average should be 3! So basically you want minimum 90 posts per month for a measly INR 5000? That is 55 Rs for one article!! Wow, good luck finding some insane blogger :)

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