Ashish Yadav would like you to review his/her blog.
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Please review my website

Ashish Yadav
Ashish Yadav
from new delhi
10 years ago

Request you please review website and let me know what all I can improve

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
  • Blog is redirecting to Your TLD is just working as redirection and fails to to be hot linked..
  • The over all looks and feel is excelent.. Liked your design a lot.. Its fast and its clean..
  • Liked the way you kept your website ads free..

Fix the domain issue asap..

Ashish Yadav
Ashish Yadav
from new delhi
10 years ago

Thanks Hunky , really appreciate your time and feedback Smile

Iam using linux hosting which is on rhc cloud , the only way you can use their services by using their domain name but in case you want to use your domain you can map it but it will be redirected to their domain name only , rather subdomain or application domain. 

As I dont want to earn anything from website , therefore I used this hosting , so that i dont have to pay too much to maintain it .

Iam still searching out a way to do this , 

a really thank ful to you for visiting my website. 



Hunky @
from Kolkata
10 years ago

Iam using linux hosting which is on rhc cloud

Have you heard of Digital Ocean ??

Ashish Yadav
Ashish Yadav
from new delhi
10 years ago

Yes i was seeing the same but its paid ,not free where as rhc cloud is by red hat and absolutely free with 3 gears i mean three applications

Hunky @
from Kolkata
10 years ago

But this makes your website looks bad since TLD seems to be not properly mapped and acts just as a redirector !!

For blogging, in that case or blogger would have been a better choice I suppose :-/