Please review my blog and suggest some design changes.
I have tried a lot to change the llok of my blog but I am not able to decide which theme to use. Please review it and suggest changes.
- You have a TLD, which is always welcome..
- TLD is good one..
- Design is nice and clean but I would have preferred more content in the main page..
- Website is loading slow at my place with 512kbps connection..
The theme is just fine. But the first thing that struck my mind was the ads and its placements. As Hunky said the main page should contain more solid contents instead of load of ads. Putting ads at footer makes it ugly (especially chitika ads). Put those under the posts.
Secondly, the page loading time is slow. Try to improve it. Thirdly, use HD/HQ and relevant and cc images (from sites like Pixabay, Fourthly, use social buttons, those will make your site look good. Cya
Hey Bhanu..
I personally liked the Blog! I do not think you need to make any changes.. Being a Tech-Blog, the theme suits perfectly well & is really subtle! Though I would agree with what Niladri said above- the ads look too huge!
Great effort!
All the best!