What if you feel like commiting suicide?
Why mental peace looks distanced
Why you get emotionally hurt throughout the day
Why you find every one rude
Why you feel insecure every time
Why you are over humble
Why you are unhappy
Why you have doubt on god existence
Why you are always scared
Well this is life@
With ups and downs
You dont die several times.
You have to face till ur last breath.
Suicide, it appears, always manages to rope in everyone else but the person 'actively' involved in the act, for discussions, analysis, and conclusions... while the one who commits suicide-- or the alleged suicide -- probably gets to watch and hear this global mortal babel from a ringside position.
Just another thought.
Well, well, well... and now I read to find
That 'suicide' is relaxing, trying to unwind
While others gnash
And become brash
It isn't easy to get sanity to a 'forum' grind!
Well Said Arvind Sir , I was missing you on the thread !
To be honest, I don't know whether the guy who originally posted this thread was asking for advice or simply asking a question. In either case, since he didn't clearly say anything, it's open to interpretation. How someone responds to the original question will clearly depend upon how they interpreted it.
Since we're all well-meaning adults here, can we please refrain from unnecessary namecalling and finger pointing? It reflects poorly on how we are as human beings and as a community.
Please stop with the juvenile behavior. Remember:
It's okay to disagree. It's NOT okay to abuse.
Exactly the Point , I hope sanity settles down :P
Thanks for the warning Knitha. Didn't realize it was a well planned strategy to make me break the rules. lols
I am simply no one to warn Sneh, I am merly pointing out the guidelines ....
@desire nope, why would i call you half retard. You upgraded into category of full retard. Apart from that, I dont think anyone is a retard.
this suiside topic was one of the Indispire ideas for last week .. now it is here on discussion forum.. is it a coincidence
aise toh sab log apne ideas discussion forum pe daal denge .. bydway .. jis kisi ka bhi mood ho for suiside .. go ahead but before tht do write your will vasiyatnama .. divide, donate, charity wahtever u possess .. otherwise log marne ke baad gaaliyaan denge ki khud toh mar gaye lekin ghar plot business, bank balance ka hisab karke nahi gaye .. lolzzzzz
@Bhavana - Itna suspicious nahi hote.
Suicide idea on IndiSpire came from me. And I really wanted genuine views on the topic. Too bad it did not find many takers.
is it , why do you want people to write for that
I was interested in paranormal topic , I dont know who suggested that
But It never won
No DvD, it was nothing related to the paranormal. The topic was -
- What would you do if someone from your family or friend circle tries to commit suicide? What would your immediate reflex/reaction be? #HandlingASuicideAttempt
Now I am curious to know how empathetic/sympathetic/emotionally equipped people are to deal with a suicide attempt or suicide in the family or immediate friend circle. Someone I know tried to commit suicide, and when the family caught her in the act, instead of showing compassion, they thrashed her up for thinking of suicide, saying she would have brought much disrupte and scandal to the family.
Well I wrote something very serious about it and I will share it once that Indispire idea comes to light ;)
Ragini .. aelo .. tumhara idea chori ho gaya ..
anyways .. the topic is quite serious and sensitive ..I think everyone of us face this type of situation atleast once in their lifetime .... it should be discussed through indispire.. post it again .. this forum is not the right place for this sensitive issue.. aakhiri zindagi aur maut ka sawal hai
Guess who the half retards are... it becomes evident. Antidepressant Over the counter drugs are medicine which balance out the brain chemicals. Numerous ways to do that. In india you can get escitalopram, an over the counter drug which is a form of SSRI's. they help calm your mood and are also used to treat bipolar disorder and ADHD.
or give this number a call:
Now I dont know if that is a poem or not. However, please seek a helpline if there is something that you would like to talk about. Also, thoughts of suicide are always a side effect of depression and depression is a treatable disease. Dont listen to these half retards here. If you dont know what exactly you are going through, read up on hyperbole and a half and it's take on depression. Medicine will help a lot in treating such a condition and there are many medicine that is OTC which do not require a prescription if you are scarred of seeking proffessional help. Google it up, and read up about what it is that you are exactly undergoing. And know that a phase is just a phase, that it has a beginning and a end.
Two question 1. Half retarded here ?? Who?? 2. what are antidepressant OTC drugs..?
Hey mate, would you like to please name the half retards here on the forum? I too want to know who are the half retards and whether I too feature in that list?
Who are Half Retards here???
No Offense to people here by the retard comment, but people should realize by their own when untimed words can do a lot of damage, even a simple thing such as "oh, isn't that stupid or who feels like that" isnt helping. Antidepressant Over the counter drugs are medicine which balance out the brain chemicals. Numerous ways to do that. In india you can get escitalopram, an over the counter drug which is a form of SSRI's. they help calm your mood and are also used to treat bipolar disorder and ADHD.
or give this number a call:
Why shouldn't people get offended when someone collectively calls them all retards, or even half-retards?
Maybe, someone is the most intelligent of all, but, does he get the right to call all others, who-are-not-so-intelligent, retards?
I called It Stupid , are you calling me a half Retard ???
Is it OTC?? show me the list or article of OTC DRUG in india where this drug mentioned
@desire nope, why would i call you half retard. You upgraded into category of full retard. Apart from that, I dont think anyone is a retard.
Sneh, making personal attacks or remarks is against to forum guidelines...
Pahale ye pata karo SSRI, escitalopram jaise medical term is ******** ko pata kaise chale
Pahale ye pata karo SSRI, escitalopram jaise medical term is ******** ko pata kaise chale
Thanks for the warning Knitha. Didn't realize it was a well planned strategy to make me break the rules. lols
Yes, great that you realised it now. BTW, I wonder who called everyone "Half Retards" in the first place? They must be the conspirators.
@ Gaurang, I know because I researched for a blog post that I wrote on depression just now, as I was greatly disturbed by Robin Williams death.
The reason I got angry was people should realize when a person is joking and when a person is serious. Oh for all you people here:
Sneh, at one level you show your concern by sharing a suicide helpline number, at another level you call people here half-retard/retard. Paradoxical, no?
A very polite request, let's not trivialise this sensitive topic with petty bickerings please.
P.S. - Just read your post on Robin Williams. Lovely compilation, and I never knew we lead the world in depression cases, sad indeed. But what's appalling is that more often than not we are all so busy writing and reading eulogies in virtual world that we tend to neglect those still alive.
Sneh, It is unfair that you refer to all those who responded to this thread as "half retards". We all despise suicides & intend to help. IB Network & Forum can help.
Depression is a killer. News has been sad. That doesn't mean we react this way. We can calmly share our views without insulting.
Was good to read this comment, Sneh. I guess suicide and mental health awareness is still so poor in our country as opposed to the West. (going by the comments on this forum)
I have a question:
Does attempting to write on a topic you know nothing about tantamount to committing suicide?
But Its fun sometimes ;)
So we were discussing suicde today and now there's this news update that actor Robin Williams is dead, and the apparent cause of death was suicide by asphyxiation. Reports say he had been battling severe depression. How heartbreaking that someone who gave us so many reasons to laugh couldn't find enough of happiness and laughter for himself.
Rest in peace Robin Williams.
RIP Robin.
With so much money, so many things he can do, respect all over the globe, yet unhappy .. RIP..
MOney Cant Buy Happiness
I thought of this thread when I saw the news in the morning.
RIP Robin Williams- Acted as 'Patch Adams' in the movie that inspired our MunnaBhai film...
There are predispositions to suicidal behaviour- bipolar disorder and depression being important ones. The underlying biochemical disturbance in the brain make it impossible for patients to exert control over their mood state at such moments. They need medical help and that is why there are suicidal helplines. It is analogous to jumping out of a high rise apartment that has caught fire. In either case, the person knows he will die; yet he prefers to jump out than be caught in the flames. Likewise, the mood instability is so distressing that the patient impulsively prefers death to coping with the mental state.
Suicide? The hell!!! I don't even want to grow old and die! So many things to see and to do, and yet we're still stuck in a little blue planet! Though I do there was no such thing called borders and passports and taxes.
If the OP is feeling it, don't be surprised if its some weird after-effect of puberty. You'll never know what raging teenage hormones does to newer gen teenagers! :P.
Anyone who wishes to commit suicide needs to first understand what a 'To Do' list is.
My 'To Do' list is getting longer everyday... there are hundreds of books i want to read, hundreds of cities I want to visit, hundreds of people I want to hug, hundreds of ideas I want to blog about, hundreds of sorrys i want to say... everything is in hundreds. In hundreds because beyond that my mind gets totally confused. So this list comes marching towards me like an army and they come in lines, unending lines. I am quite happy with my 'To Do' list.
Let me tell you a secret now. I have placed 'suicide' on my 'To Do' list... but at the very end.
Now some of you may say, 'This is like cheating suicide. A To-Do list is longer than the lives of all of us combined. it's time will never come.' I know that. That is why I keep this word happy by including it in my list, but at the bottom. Now this word doesn't bother me at all.
OK, but, the OP's profile picture says something different.
The question is not What, but Why?
It's easy do destroy than to construct. Isn't it? So, when we face hard circumstances, we opt for the easy thing.
What if you feel like committing suicide?If you see life the way in those musing then life sure will seem depressing but it's not. People can be rude but not everyone is rude to everyone. Find someone who isn't rude to you and if not then be that "someone' who isn't a rude person, start making a list of people, things you are utterly grateful for. Emotions are meant to be hurt if you give the power button of your emotions to someone else, so dear friend, get the control of your emotions, be the one in power of yourself.Give you an example, poke your eye, yes go ahead poke it. Did you? please do, Yes. Did it hurt? a lil'. Why did you poke it? because you send the signal to your brain to do so and your hands did it. So, it's pretty simple (to say but as hard as to apply) but send positive cheerful signals to your brain, try to relax, go find calm quiet place in your mind and from there try to remember all the happy memories, that will send the right signal to the brain.
Now that you are happy, try to see the good in everything because each and every situation has a brighter side you just need to find it. Once you find it then why on Earth would you/someone want to commit suicide. Life is beautiful, you are beautiful, people are beautiful so enjoy the beauty of life.
So, no when you put your real efforts then you won't really feel like committing suicide. Just find your strength, see people who are living an impossible life, if they can so can you, so the question of "What if" doesn't really exist.
Life is for living- to learn & grow.
We must discuss & share with family & friends. If we feel too strongly, we must take expert help by visiting a Counsellor.
@Nitin Keep writing & sharing. You have "Freshinspirations" & meaningful words in your post:
"My life is nothing but a connection
My life is nothing but a message"
If somebody is contemplating suicide and you call them stupid, idiot, dumb, coward or any other such word, I guess it makes them feel even more suicidal - remember, the person is already feeling down and out, worthless and like a loser.
And all those who say suicide is an act of cowardice - trust me it is not. (Been there, did not do that) It takes immense guts to jump off a bridge, or jump in front of a fast local/metro, or a high rise balcony. And why just these, even swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills is no mean strain on your gut. It takes lots and lots of courage to take that drastic step. When you see there's not other way out, there's no glimmer of hope, there's no one at your side in your darkest hour, it's then that you decide to take your live or rather, give it up.
Many studies say that every person who's feeling suicidal starts giving SOS signals days/weeks before the act - like may be talking about death and suicide, musing about pointlessness in living, etc. The onus is on the near and dear ones to pick those signals up and intervene.
@Nitin - IMHO, suicide is not the best way out buddy. If someone's not finding happiness in the current set-up, I'd rather wish the to go for a change of scene, find a goal, an objective... do whatever that brings happiness, just don't give up.
Let's not trivialise a topic as serious as suicide. Wish there was more empathy than preaching on this subject.
It takes immense guts to jump off a bridge, or jump in front of a fast local/metro, or a high rise balcony
true...i'll run away
Everyone atleast once in their life time goes through the phase of thinking about sucide. When I witnessed series of death in the family,when I experienced my own misfortunes in life, even I felt the same,.Today even if I die,there wont be any loss to anyone but still I want to live,I want to see what more life has got to offer me.Every time life throws me a difficulty,I just laugh at it and say,I have seen the worst already. Just stay strong and face the sucidal phase with positive attitude towards life. Remember clock has to move from 6 to 12 and also from 12 to 6...Just dont let the battery drain.....
@ Knitha - Very positive take, this.
I have never understood how commiting suicide helps - I mean, it's just releasing a life-force right? But do we really know of life after that - life after death? I, for one, certainly have no idea. But I do think about it. What if it's worse than what it is now? And what if we don't have the option of suicide there? Then where would we run in that case?
Best thing is to Use your 'Now', because this is all we have. Live in the present and free your mind, body and soul of all that is unnecessary - heal yourself. Surround yourself with genuine positive people, let these angels guide you onto the right path. And smile, a lot.
In short, forget suicide and get down to work - you got some cleaning to do!
