What if you feel like commiting suicide?

Nitin Jain
Nitin Jain
from Delhi
10 years ago

Why mental peace looks distanced

Why you get emotionally hurt throughout the day

Why you find every one rude

Why you feel insecure every time

Why you are over humble

Why you are unhappy

Why you have doubt on god existence

Why you are always scared




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from New Delhi
10 years ago

To be honest, I don't know whether the guy who originally posted this thread was asking for advice or simply asking a question. In either case, since he didn't clearly say anything, it's open to interpretation. How someone responds to the original question will clearly depend upon how they interpreted it.

Since we're all well-meaning adults here, can we please refrain from unnecessary namecalling and finger pointing? It reflects poorly on how we are as human beings and as a community.

Please stop with the juvenile behavior. Remember:

It's okay to disagree. It's NOT okay to abuse.


Desire v/s Destiny
from Gurgaon
10 years ago

Exactly the Point , I hope sanity settles down :P 


Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Well, well, well... and now I read to find

That 'suicide' is relaxing, trying to unwind

While others gnash

And become brash

It isn't easy to get sanity to a 'forum' grind!



Desire v/s Destiny
from Gurgaon
10 years ago

Well Said Arvind Sir , I was missing you on the thread !

from New Delhi
10 years ago

Lovely! Foot in mouth

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Suicide, it appears, always manages to rope in everyone else but the person 'actively' involved in the act, for discussions, analysis, and conclusions... while the one who commits suicide-- or the alleged suicide -- probably gets to watch and hear this global mortal babel from a ringside position.

Just another thought.

mir quadeer
mir quadeer
from hyderabad
10 years ago

Well this is life@

With ups and downs

You dont die several times.

You have to face till ur last breath.

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