Looking forward to reviews on my new blog
Would appreciate reviews to my new blogs. Suggestions for improvement are most welcome.
a very informative and interesting portal to look at. while exploring deep into this blog i found out that you are closely attached to travelling and you make one feel as if he is there itself. a very nice initiative that has a lot of scope in the future. i would like you to address a few issues like making categories and separate pages that segregate the journey in different ways like local, domestic, educational, leisure etc. also i would like to see an about me page.
sincere regards and best wishes for your blog.
Dear Mr. Anmol,
Thanks a lot for sparing time for the review, it means a lot.
You are right, I am a born tourist! Love travelling and then sharing the customised experiences with people of similar interests. Happy that you liked my blogs. Actually I am new to blogging and hence to the formats/patterns of the blogs need a lot of improvements. I am sure with well-wishers like you, the next ones will get better.
Thanks for your suggestions for improvement, I will surely implement them in my profile and future blogs. Do read them and leave your comments please.
Best regards and have a good day.
Hi its a nice personal blog and the articles are awesome. However if you want visitors from search engines, then you have to focus on onpage SEO of your blog.
* SEO optimized blog and article title missing
* SEO optimized blog and article description missing
* Use meaningful alt tags for images
* Research keywords first from Google adwords keywords planner and then use those keywords in your articles.
I believe a good blog like your deserve to have search engine visitors. Good luck..
Thanks for the suggestions. Will read about SEOs and try to implement them in future blogs.