Jatin Adlakha would like you to review his/her blog.
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Requesting review for my 6 post old Blog

Jatin Adlakha
Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
10 years ago


Please provide a critical review for my blog and suggest the things that can be worked upon.

Suggestions on appearance, content....all are welcome. Smile



Replies 1 to 10 of 10
Abhigya Verma
Abhigya Verma
from Ghaziabad
10 years ago

Hi Jatin,

First of all let me congratulate you for having such wonderful content on your blog. The narrative is detailed but does not get boring. Just one thing that comes to my mind is that may be you could justify-align all your posts. You wonderful content looks a little haphazardly organized on that theme.


Jatin Adlakha
Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Thank you Abhigya. I don't exactly follow you, do you mean the appearance of blog posts / categorization and order of posts published?

If appearance, how exactly can I set it right? Thanks again for spending some time. :)

Narinder Singh
Narinder Singh
from Bengaluru
10 years ago

Hi Jatin. 

Your blog is great. I like the clarity of thought and your presentation. The pictures are great too. Please keep writing more. 

A couple of suggestions:

1. if possible, use a brighter link color.

2. Again if possible, bring the comment form above the comments because as the number of comments grow, a user has to scrol down a lot to get to the comment form.

I am sure, given your passion, that this blog of yours will be a great success.

And many thanks for your suggestions on desiyatri.com

I will try to incorporate them.

Best Regards,

Narinder Smile


Sunila Karir
Sunila Karir
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hi Jatin,

I went to your blog and found it very interestingly written. Also, I have never heard of some of the festivals you have mentioned so it is quite a well researched. Further, I have a suggestion.  Since it is a travel blog, can you add info like how to go there or where to stay? You may also simply provide links to the pages where we can get the information. I could not see beyond one post since it asked me to sign in and I dont have a wordpress account. I wonder why it's like that.


Jatin Adlakha
Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Hi Narinder, Thank you so much. I'm afraid all the CSS editing options I have to buy for 30$, so I'm refraining from now. About the comments, I get it, and I wil try to implement that. Thank you once again. :)

Sunila, I'm really surprised that it didn't show you more than 1 post. My homepage lets you scroll indefinitely. Can you try once again, if it persists, I will have to look into this one on top priority. About getting there and accomodation, thanks a lot for the inputs, I will try to incorporate these suggestions in my future posts or a different category, as you suggested. Many thanks...

Sunila Karir
Sunila Karir
from Mumbai
10 years ago
Hi jatin It's opening on my phone so I'm thinking something is wrong with my comp. having said that it's still not allowing me to post comments unless I don't have a wordpress account.
Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Thank you Sunila, please check once now.

from Noida
10 years ago

Matin fantastic blog! Great, informative content!

Easy to navigate and neat font is a readers plus!

One advice - configure your twitter handle. Here's howhttp:// - www.jellibeanjournals.com/how-to-brand-tweets-shareaholic/

Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Thank you Aditi for those nice comments. I have to show appearances on twitter and FB page yet, I will get there eventually, very lazy...right now I'm trying sincerely hard to get one post per week. Hopefully the road becomes smoother... :)

Pooja Bhatt
Pooja Bhatt
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hey Jatin, I hope life is treating you good at the other end. I like the precise Presentation of your Blogs right from pics to the Content !! 

Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Yes it is and even more so, after your comment. Thank you so much for the confidence boost.

Btw, you have a wonderful blog yourself, I enjoy reading it!

Tushar Kumar
Tushar Kumar
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hi, I really enjoyed your blog! The pictures are awesome and I can see that you have an eye for beautiful things. Maybe, Instagram profile would also be good for you along with blogging.

Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Thank you so much Tushar. How mch will the Instagram profile do good to me?

Nirja Runjiet
Nirja Runjiet
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hello Jatin,

Awesome blog especially the photos!!! I think that sums up my review. :)

Also, the Flickr widget. Can you try placing it a bit more on the top? You have uploaded some really superb snaps and I feel everybody should see them.

Keep up the good work!!

Jatin Adlakha
from Hyderabad
10 years ago

Thank you. I'm glad you liked my blog Nirja. Will definitely take up your suggestion. :)