Prafulla Mannewar would like you to review his/her blog.
[ ] IndiRank: 46

Pls review my travel blog and help me to improve

Prafulla Mannewar
Prafulla Mannewar
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hi All

Pls visit my blog and provide your feedback. Good or bad, after all its all about improvement and reader's suggestions.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2
Garima Nag
Garima Nag
from South Korea
10 years ago

Hi Prafulla Mannewar 


Just visited your blog .It find it interesting. Travel catergory is one the mostpopular blogging categories . People prefer to read personal experiences/reviews before planning their trips .In such cases blogs like yours comes in handy . You blog is simple & readable . The menu bar is apt & to the point which is good. A croweded bar doesn't look appealing any ways . As I can see you have travelled to quite some places & used your personal pictures .Thats is really nice . 

As a reader's point of view I have few suggestions to make . I hope it's a constructive contribution for your blog :) 

  1. Your home page shows just 4 posts & rest is blank. It doesn't give a good viewer experience. As you already have many post on your blog , I would suggest you to at least show 7-8 posts on your home page 
  2. The details on your post has a personal touch.Thats quite nice. If you could put some simple headings before the description it would look all the more amazing  ( like history , how to reach , good season to visit  & so on .... ) 
  3. As these are your personal pics , why not put you site water mark on them .It will appear in search engine as well & people would be directed to your blog through the pictures search as well .

Overall you have an amazing blog . I , too , am from Rajasthan. Visiting those places again through your blog was a superb experience. I hope my suggestions are useful for you .

You are welcome to review my blog as well . It will be great to know your views & suggetsions .





Prafulla Mannewar
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hi Garima

Thanks a lot for your valuable time to visit my blog and most importantly valuable suggestions. I will definelty implement those.

I also visited your blog and I must say you are really sharing sweets. Enjoyed reading hilarious matrimonial ads but O womaniya was great!!! It is really nice piece of writing.

I could see that you write about so many things, social awarness, short stories and you have got very good site design. It would be really good reading experience for me to follow your blog.

Garima Nag
Garima Nag
from South Korea
10 years ago

Hi Prafulla 


Thanks a lot for visitng my blog. It is also up  for review . It would be nice if you could review it & give ur valuable suggetions. There is always a room for improvement .And every single suggestion is a step towards it . I hope you would be able to do it whichever time suits you .


