Abhimanyu K S Pillai would like you to review his/her blog.
[ http://abhimanyukspillai.wordpress.com/ ] IndiRank: 25

Please Review my Posts

I wished to become a writer but fate led me to somewhere else. Rough Book, my personal blog, is my answer to that fate. Although littile bit back in the language I manage to scribble out whatever comes to my mind. Kindly review my blog and point out the areas in which I need to improve.




Edited 10 years ago
Reason: no reviews yet
Replies 1 to 2 of 2
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Hi Abhimanyu. I had a look at your blog and made a few observations:-

1) The blog's layout is very minimalistic, which is a good thing because the blog page doesn't take ages to load. You blog delivers, without unnecessarily crowding its sidebars with images, links and badges. However, I think the first thing someone notices when he/she opens a blog is the banner. Although it is not the whole and soul of a blog, a banner stands as a signature of sorts or a logo for a blog. So maybe you need to invest some time in creating a banner. It's a marketing concept - when you're introduced to something new, visuals are what command attention and keep you interested in the beginning.

2) What I like a lot about your blog is that its versatile - you are comfortable writing in both English and in Malayalam. You also do photography, nice. I noticed that a lot of your posts are candid musings and anecdotal, which means they're all from the heart. However, the labels/categories are too broad-based, and maybe you need to make it a little wider.

3) Your blog only shows snapshots. This could work either way - some people might be interested to read further and therefore click, or some might choose to ignore it and move ahead if the snapshot is not interesting enough. Hence, if you choose to use such a layout, you need to be extra careful about what your readers see. It would be safer to show a slightly longer snapshot, or to include pictures in the snapshot. You could even try writing a synopsis of your post and letting it feature as a snapshot instead. However, considering that a lot of your posts are candid in nature, I don't know how practical that would be.

A nice from-the-heart, unapologetic blog. You have the ability to express your feelings quite well. All the best.





thank you sooooo much for reviewing my lil' virtual world.... i am so glad u like it... will consider all ur advises nd will improve my blog...Thank you once again ^_^