Please review my blog
I have tried to include fictions, reviews,analysis,News and views,memoirs,etc in this blog to raise some questions for the society and to create some social awareness.
Quiet Impressive blog with good content. Clean and well maintained. Keep Blogging and Good Luck.
Thanks for visiting Hitakshi
Nice to read your blog.Informative and encouraging for our country.All the Best and Keep blogging.
that was my motto to encourage as much people as I can
I don't know the reason but lately everytime I access your blog (I use Chrome on my laptop), I can just see a big landscape picture of mountains but can't see the contents of your blog and there are no bars to scroll down or sideways on it. I wonder if only I am having this problem. I don't seem to have problems with other blogs on Indiblogger. Perhaps it is related to the blog template you are using?