Sameer Roopawalla would like you to review his/her blog.
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Hi, do review my blog - The Poet Room!

Sameer Roopawalla
Sameer Roopawalla
from Mumbai
10 years ago



I am the author and promoter of the World's First Philosophical News Website - website was launched on 19th February 2014.

I would be grateful if you could critically analyze this site.

Thank you,

Sameer Roopawalla 

Replies 1 to 3 of 3
Priyanka Dey
Priyanka Dey
from Delhi
10 years ago

What a better way to start the Review week than to review poetry blogs, my favorite genre! Sameer's blog titled The Poet Room is not just about poetry. Like poetry, it does manage to contain facets of everyday life- words, films, politics, non-fiction pieces and just life as it were through his eyes.

For a blog that has just started off in Feb.2014, it seems like his posts are quite popular and loved with people posting comments appreciating his post or simply addingon to his viewpoints.

His poetry intrigued me for two reasons. Firstly, he doesn't look like a nuanced writer. In the sense, that while his poems rhyme in between, his style is majorly free-verse. Which is the contemporary new thing in poetry style these days.

The other thing is the choice of topics- Marilyn Monroe , The Purpose of Life, Religion and Men, There is no glory in being Intelligent are some of my favorites! 

Actually his blog has three main Categories- The Daily Rhyme consisting of poems, The 2 Minute Reads consisting of his views on issues of national and international significance. His recent posts on Narendra Modi and Ban on TV shows are quite insightful. The third category is of The Round Up is a little confusing-one does not find the utility of a separate  category when the posts may be included in the 2minute reads itself.


Thus, while the blog is a promising one and in Sameer we see a budding pensieve, maybe he should start by giving a brief decription of the categories he has kept. Moreover, the name of the blog is a misnomer of sorts, 'The Poet Room' which would sound like a purely poetry blog and readers who do not like poetry as such may not wish to venture in, though they'd be surprised to find insights on every other aspect of life in there!The blog layout is minimal and subtly artistic which I loved. Love how the pictures shrink and expand as we hover the mouse on them! (hahha, I am a freak!)I wish you the very best Sameer and well, you've found a new follower I reckon! ;) Cheers and keep writing my friend! 

Sameer Roopawalla
Sameer Roopawalla
from Mumbai
10 years ago

Wow Priyanka! That is probably the best review I've read yet. Not only was it insightful but also a literary treat. Cheers! You have found a follower too.

Priyanka Dey
from Delhi
10 years ago

Wink The pleasure is mine!

Angel Love
Angel Love
from Bangalore
10 years ago

Hi Sameer I like your website  and loved your writing style.

Your Poem( with a story in it) "We are lost sir;..." is amazing.:)


You can also review my blog and give your suggestions.