Can i Get your Reviews?
Hi Friends,
Can you review my blog and give ne your feedback regarding my blog . This blog has various categories holding distinct arenas of technology and other stuff.
I just want your time to check out my work, all suggestions are appreciated.
Thanks alot,
Shalini Negi
Hi Shalini
I am a very amateur blogger but hey came across your blog and i would like you to know that your blog is very well designed and meets the user's have easily categorised things and made it simple and user friendly. the content on your blog is informative and detailed. last but not the least would like to learn a lot from you. i have written a few poems but haven't been an avid blogger. hats off for being a tech freak you deserve that title. hope many more people land on your blog.
Dear Shalini ji, read your blog, written very well, but don't you think that the things/topics you mentioned can easily be found on the
Secondly, the headers of your blog topics must be in bold letter as i think.
Thirdly, are these blogs came out from your own experience ?
Fourthly, why should we read your blog ? i must say u have an answer to that.
Hi Shalini
1.Your blog has content, but as previous reviewers pointed out, all this information is easily available on the internet. People won't choose your blog. There are a lot of other people who are just superb at this and as I have visited their sites and blogs too, I can tell you that anyone would choose their blog over yours.
2. You really need to step up your design and layout. Because of a very dull design, the blog will not attract readers. They will just skim past you blog.
3. Also the header that you use is pretty dull. Headers should be eye-catching. Yours fails to do that at the very first step.
It is a very good attempt, I must add. Try and give the readers a reason to read your blog. Make it attractive, informative, colourful and simple at the same time.
Step up the game!
Thanks all for your feedback, i will try to make the changes and would try to pick out more distinct topic and try to write it in more informative ways so that users will actually get the information at the most.
Thanks again for checking my blog. :)
Hi Shalini,
Very well structured blog. Header section needs to be more attractive to get the attention of readers. It is looking very dull.
Thanks, Avik